Planned Obsolescence

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"What did you just say?" Wyatt asked, blinking at the famed actor. He tried to recover from the bomb James Dean dropped onto them.

James's lips twisted with mild amusement as he stared back at the soldier. "You heard me."

"Why would we ever work with you?" Wyatt asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Wyatt knew he'd never in a million years cooperate with the enemy - he would admit that he was too stubborn to trust them, especially after everything they've done.

James opened his mouth to reply but the door to his trailer opened, allowing the bright sunlight to filter in. The heat from the outside engulfed the coolness of the trailer's interior the longer the door remained open.

The trailer rocked slightly as their company entered. Stopping halfway up the metal steps was Mack. He glanced about the four within the room, eyes wide. "Oh," he stammered. "I didn't realize you were ... here..."

Wyatt growled, eyes still locked onto James Dean, "We were just leaving."

Lucy glanced up at him in shock. "We're what?"

Wyatt reached down and took her hand, pulling her to her feet. "We're going. It was a pleasure to meet you," he said, sarcasm dripping from the tone. James shook his head slightly at the soldier.

Rufus's eyes darted between his friends and the two men staring back at them. He wasn't sure what was happening but he knew arguing with Wyatt - especially when the man had made up his mind was impossible to convince him otherwise.

The trio moved toward the door of the trailer when Mack pulled a gun on them, closing the door before anyone could leave. "You're not going anywhere!"

"Whoa," Wyatt muttered, releasing his hold of Lucy as he raised his hands defensively. He made sure to keep himself between the gun and Lucy.

"Mack?" James began, standing up from the table. "What are you-"

"Shut up!" Mack told him. "I know all about your traitorous and disloyal behaviors!"

Rufus glanced between the two as he raised his hands, confused. "Are you two..." he paused as the light went off in his head. "Oh!"

Mack locked the door behind him, motioning for the three to sit down. "Now...I was ordered to handle things when the time was right," he admitted. "But since you three showed up, the timing got pushed forward."

"Time for what?" Wyatt asked. "What are you talking about?"

Mack sneered at Wyatt. "I know you're working with Homeland Security," he spat. "I know all about his defection to Bloodstone." He turned his gaze over to James. "And believe me, that's a betrayal that cannot be forgiven."

"What are you going to do, Mack?" James asked with a shrug.

Mack's eyes bounced around the room. "I'm going to be the hero of this story," he told the man. "I'm going to tell the authorities that you lot murdered James and I came in just a little too late..." he turned the gun back to Wyatt. "But not late enough to stop you and then I'll be seen differently in Carol's and Emma's eyes."

"The police will never believe you," Wyatt tried to say.

Mack laughed. "You forget the time you're in."

Rufus tilted his head slightly, silently agreeing with Mack. He knew how simple it was for the police to assume the truth based on who was involved. Chances were high they'd blame only him for everyone's death.

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