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The hatch to the Lifeboat opened to reveal the deep woods outside of Exeter. The trees were beginning to bud in early hopes for spring but the lingering winter still gripped the world around. Dark muddied snow still lined the forest floor, muck and mire sucked the once beautiful autumn leaves down, adding to the eeriness of the environment.

Wyatt hopped out of the Lifeboat, feet sinking into the mud. "Ugh," he groaned, lifting a foot carefully out. "This sucks."

Rufus asked as he gently eased himself out, "Literally or-"

"Shut up," Wyatt muttered, turning his eyes about the area to gain his bearings.

Flynn exited next, turning around to help Lucy down. Once she stood on solid ground, they glanced around. "This is going to be a long and miserable hike into town."

Wyatt nodded in agreement as he turned back to Rufus. "You couldn't get us any closer?"

"And have the townsfolk after us with torches and pitchforks?" Rufus quipped.

Wyatt gave him a quick look - the one that suggested he was annoyed by the pilot. "You've landed in more difficult places before."

Seeing Rufus growing a little uncomfortable, Lucy gripped Wyatt's arm for support. "Leave him alone..."

"I'm just saying-"

"So am I," she said in her professor's voice. Wyatt nodded, taking the hint and dropping the matter.

The walk into town proved to be not only a filthy one but lengthy as well. When the team finally managed to find the town, they were caked in mud. They managed to find a small farm on the outskirts of the forest and town to secure clothing. They were genuinely surprised to find it empty.

"Where did everyone go?" Rufus asked, cautiously glancing around the empty farmhouse.

Flynn's eyes took in the inside of the home. The fire still burned in the hearth. The black pot inside contained a stew of some sort, now boiling gently. The plates and silverware were on the table, ready for the meal. He could see that whatever happened, the people just left in a hurry, leaving everything as is.

"Well, whatever happened," Wyatt started, pulling on his newly borrowed wool coat. "They sure left in a hurry." He turned his gaze over to Lucy. "Any ideas on what we're doing here?"

The church bells chimed in the distance. She tilted her head slightly. "Maybe we head to church?"

The team exchanged glances, almost to see if anyone had any other ideas. When no one offered up any, they left the farm and meandered down the muddy road toward the church.

Heavy clouds moved in overhead, creating a blanket of gray in the sky above them. There was a chill in the air that felt like rain or snow would begin to fall at a moment's notice which only amplified their downcast mood.

Rounding the lane toward the once-white church with a painted red door, they spotted a crowd gathered before it. Standing on the platform before the church was a priest with two other men, armed with rifles. They were putting two women into a contraption and both women were shouting and fighting them.

"What are they doing?" Wyatt asked, narrowing his eyes at the scene. "What is that thing?"

Lucy gaped at the device the women were being secured into. The wooden object was fitted with a hinge and lock. There were two larger holes on either end and four smaller holes in the center. The women's heads were secured into the large holes, while their wrists were placed in the smaller ones. Both women were facing each other as they were locked into the device.

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