Good To Be Home

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Present Day

The alarms within the Bloodstone bunker cried out, alerting everyone of the incoming traveler. Watching through the control room window, Agent Christopher, Flynn, and Jiya watched the Death Star Mothership land next to the Lifeboat and the White Mothership.

The three exchanged stunned glances. Jiya stumbled with her words. "Uh...there's... that's... what...."

Movement in the hallway caught Flynn's eye as Rowan walked in. Rowan's eyes darted out of the window to the landing pad. With a smile, he said, "Looks like Quinn's back."

Flynn's eyes narrowed as he glanced out the control room window again. The moment his eyes landed on Quinn, he tensed but a sigh of relief escaped his lips once he spotted Lucy and Tenley emerge from within. He left the control room, heading for the landing pad.

Just as Flynn, Christopher, and Jiya exited the control room to where Rowan stood, Quinn, Tenley, and Lucy walked into the hallway at the same time. Flynn could see how ragged the two women were as they stood slightly hunched over in defeat behind Quinn.

Agent Christopher watched them carefully as her eyes lifted to meet Quinn's. "What happened?"

Quinn turned to glance at the women behind him. Lucy's face was tear-stained, her brown eyes were red and puffy from crying. Tenley seemed nearly checked out as she stared at the tiles of the hallway. He turned back to Agent Christopher. "It's a long story."

"If only I had a dollar for every time I heard that one," Denise muttered. "Let's take it from the top."

Quinn nodded. "I'm sure Rowan explained the basics to ye," he began. Tenley's eyes lifted to meet Rowan's gaze after his name was mentioned. She wasn't sure why he was there but she was too distracted by her own thoughts to dwell on it for long. Quinn continued, "I went back to save Lucy and Tenley from harm."

"What kind of harm?" Denise questioned.

Quinn glanced over to Rowan. "Did ye tell them?"

Rowan's eyes darted over to Flynn. "A little."

Quinn nodded slowly, eyes drifting down the length of Flynn before coming back to Agent Christopher. "Rittenhouse was there, trying to steal yer Lifeboat from ye. While Rufus and Jiya managed to escape from 1980 with yer machine, it left these two exposed to attack...we had to stop that from happening."

Denise nodded. "I appreciate all of your help."

Quinn's eyes locked onto movement at the end of the hall. He blew a small sigh of relief as he turned back to Agent Christopher. "And I am indebted to ye for yer help."

"We can discuss this in length later," Denise stated, "but I know there is at least one person who will be happy to see you...and you'll probably want to get cleaned up and eat."

Quinn nodded his thanks to Agent Christopher and glanced at Lucy and Tenley once more. He offered a small sympathetic smile to them before heading over to Rowan. He smacked the back of his brother's shoulder and the two left the hallway together. Rowan glanced over his shoulder to take in Tenley's blank expression once more.

Flynn's gaze never left Tenley, however. He could see it on her face, even though she was trying her best to keep her emotions null and void on her expression. He saw it in her body language that something horrible happened.

Denise approached the two. "Are you two all right?"

"I'm not sure I'll ever be all right again," Lucy muttered, brushing her hair from her face. She sniffled, fighting the tears once more before walking down the hall.

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