Scavenger Hunt

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Present Day

Tenley sat at her desk in the infirmary. With her elbow propped up on the top, her hand holding her head, she read through the odd journal she found in her room. It would be her second read-through of the leather-bound book but she hoped it would give her more clarity on what to expect regarding her future. She wasn't convinced by Lucy's claim over Wyatt's apology that it would keep her from disappearing a second time. He apologized before and yet, she still disappeared.

She sighed heavily, closing her strained eyes. There hadn't been much mentioned in the way of Wyatt within the journal - just enough of what she had forgotten since she lost her memory. A knock on the infirmary door startled her, causing her eyes to flutter open as the door began to swing ajar.

Tenley spotted a familiar head of blond hair poke into the room, stormy blue eyes scanning the room before landing upon her. He smiled at her. "Am I interrupting?" Rowan asked. Tenley shook her head and he pushed the door open further, helping a little old lady into the room.

Standing from her desk to approach, Tenley crossed the room to help, grabbing the woman's elbow for support. "What's happened?"

Rowan helped the elderly lady to the exam table. "She's been complaining of lethargy."

Tenley grabbed a couple of examination tools to begin looking over the frail woman. "What's your name?"

"Charlotte," the woman replied.

Tenley's head cocked slightly the moment she heard the accent. Her dark eyes darted over to Rowan's gaze before returning to the woman's eyes. "Follow the light, please."

As Charlotte's eyes followed the light, Tenley saw the familiarity behind them. She turned the light off and glanced back to Rowan. They had the exact same shade of stormy blue eyes. It dawned on her why the accent was the same as well.

Tenley opened her mouth to speak when Charlotte cleared her throat. "Would ye be a dear," she started, eyes locking onto Rowan's, "and bring me some tea?"

Rowan glanced between the two. "Is that all right?" Tenley nodded and Rowan patted the woman's hand gently. "I'll return shortly."

The two watched as Rowan slipped out of the infirmary, leaving them alone. Charlotte wasted no time as she lifted her head to look the doctor square in the eyes. "I thought he'd never leave," she sighed.

Tenley licked her lips, wondering what to ask first. "Is he... a-are you..."

"I would have thought it to be obvious," Charlotte's lips curved into a small smile as she spoke, "I'm their ma."

"Mother?" Tenley gasped, eyes widening.

Charlotte nodded. "Ye seem surprised, dear."

"I..." Tenley's words failed her.

Charlotte smiled again. "I saw ye've been reading yer journal," she stated, pointing over to the leather-bound book on the desk. "Have ye found it helpful?"

Blinking away the shock, Tenley nodded aimlessly. "Um... yeah... sort of..."

"Which part has ye confused?"

Tenley's brows drew together. "Who are you?"

A small chortle escaped the woman's lips. "I think ye've started to figure it out..." she sniffled slightly, "At least a couple of yer team has figured it out..."

"Do Quinn and Rowan know?" Tenley asked.

The woman nodded slowly. "Quinn, especially," she confirmed. "Rowan...he's... he's special," her voice drifted away after the admittance. It was clear to the doctor, the woman wasn't going to elaborate.

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