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The apparent leader of the other group led them through the small town of Steventon, down the lane, and back into the large field where the Lifeboat and Mothership sat. Rufus muttered, "Can you explain to me how he knew where we parked?"

The leader called over his shoulder, "There's a lot that we know about ye, Rufus." He glanced over his shoulder to study the pilot. "That's why we are here." He stood and turned around. "I don't want any trouble-"

"Then what do you want?" Flynn growled. His body grew tense, nerves hyper-aware of the growing situation. He was on guard and prepared to defend the group if need be.

The man smirked. "Allow me to introduce myself," he began. "My name is Quinn. Ye've already met my brother, Rowan...and ye already know Tenley."

"You know her name?" Lucy asked, choking back tears.

"We've known since we found her that her name wasn't Amy," Quinn explained. "But we had to keep up the pretense."

"Why?" Flynn asked. "Why would you make her believe she was someone else?"

Quinn laughed. "It was Carol who did this, not me." He shrugged. "We've been feeding her bits of the truth throughout her stay..." He glanced over to Tenley. "The book Rowan gave ye?"

Tenley blinked at him, turning to look at Rowan, mouth agape. She remembered seeing the artistic renditions of the 'midwife' who delivered Frederick Douglass and thought it looked like her. It started to make sense.

Quinn turned back to Lucy. "Tell me, Lucy," he started. "Do ye remember that night on the river?"

Lucy's brows knitted together at his words. Then realization washed over her as her eyes bounced back to Tenley. "You-"

"Yer mother ordered the hit on yer life," Quinn told her. "We stopped that from happening." He motioned between Tenley and himself.

"Why would she-" Rufus began.

Quinn turned to Rufus. "Have ye ever wondered why none of ye future selves had anything to say when they came to ye aid?"

Rufus shook his head. "No...please...tell me that it's not true..."

Quinn smiled. "Ye were working with us."

"I don't even know who you are!" Rufus shouted back.

Quinn laughed. "Ye will. In good and perfect time."

Flynn's brows drew together at the phrase. It wasn't the first time he heard it. His mind raced as he realized that every time he had heard it, it came from Bloodstone agents.

Quinn motioned to the other two. "As a show of good faith, I'm returning what ye lost."

"What?" Lucy gasped, eyes darting over to Tenley, who seemed equally as confused.

"She belongs with ye, not us...though...she's been quite useful to us," Quinn admitted. He studied the group for a moment before saying, "Now, I hate to run from this little soiree but... I have business to attend to."

Rowan watched Quinn make his way toward the Mothership. He started to go after him. "Wait! What do ye think yer doing?"

"Leaving," Quinn replied. He glanced over his shoulder and warned, "If I were ye, big brother, I'd stay back."

"I'm coming with ye," Rowan told him.

Quinn shook his head. "No, yer not. Not this trip."

Rowan reached out, whirling his brother around. "Wait a damned minute-"

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