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Present Day

Amy was the last one out of the time machine when the door opened. She slinked out like a kid on their way to the principal with her shoulders slumped forward and her eyes downcast. Carol's lips were twisted in disappointment as Amy lifted her eyes to meet hers.

"What happened?" Carol asked. "You're back early."

"We ran into them," Emma replied, spitting the last word out as though it were rancid meat. "And Amy almost fell into their grasp if it wasn't for Rowan's quick thinking." She had shot Amy a nasty glare as she spoke, causing the woman to shrink back further.

Amy's dark eyes bounced over to Rowan. He had been watching her the moment she climbed out of the Mothership. She shifted uncomfortably under everyone's gaze. She opened her mouth to defend herself when Carol raised her hand, silencing her.

"Did you meet with our agent?" Carol questioned.

Emma nodded. "Things are going according to plan, so far."

"So, it wasn't a complete loss?"

"No," Emma replied with a shake of her head. "Thankfully." Her green eyes darted back to Amy, another heated glare tossed her way.

Carol nodded aimlessly, giving the others the silent permission they needed to get out of their old-time clothes. She turned to face Amy as the others shuffled out of the room. "Are you okay?"

Amy blinked back the nerves, nodding slightly. She could see that her mother was disappointed in her - it was written all over the woman's face. Amy took in a shaky breath before saying, "I'm sorry-"

"It's not your fault," she replied, cutting her off. "Rowan suspected something like this would happen."

Amy tilted her head at the remark, clearly surprised. "How-"

"Emma didn't want you there and neither did he," she admitted.

"So," Amy began, drawing out the word. "Why was I there?"

"I wanted you out in the field in hopes that it would jog your memory," Carol stated. "I want you to remember who you were when you came to join us. I guess I was being selfish and for that, I'm sorry." Amy chewed on her lip, staying silent. Carol approached her, gently grabbing her shoulders. " to you?"

Amy's eyes lifted to meet Carol's. There was something desperate behind the woman's blue eyes - something that made Amy fearful of what her reaction to the truth would be. She shook her head. "No," she lied. "They didn't get the chance."

Relief washed over Carol's features, a short sigh escaped her lips. "Good...that's good."

"I'd like to go see Quinn," Amy whispered, changing the subject. "If that's okay?"

Carol held her gaze for a moment, almost searching for a reason why she should say no. Eventually, she nodded. "Of course. He'll be happy to see you."

Amy nodded, forcing a small smile onto her face as she brushed by her mother. She headed to her room to change first and to organize her thoughts. She had a lot of questions that she needed answers to.

Back at the bunker, the team emerged from the Lifeboat. They were sweaty, covered in dust, and visibly exhausted. Agent Christopher could feel the dark cloud looming over them as the tension increased within the room. "What happened?"

"Well... " Rufus began, glancing over to the others, eyes lingering on Flynn a bit longer than the others. "It's...complicated?"

"It seems to always be complicated," she replied, arms crossing over her chest, eyes darting between the team. "How about we skip to the part where you tell me what happened?"

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