The Memory Of Old Walls

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Early the next morning before anyone else in the bunker was awake, Agent Christopher gathered the team in the main room. Once everyone found a place surrounding the large harvest table, she began her briefing. "I've discovered some very interesting developments."

"Us too," Wyatt interrupted, motioning between Lucy and himself.

Lucy blinked at the interruption, glancing at Wyatt who nodded encouragingly for her to speak up. "Oh, uh," she muttered, turning back to the others, feeling a bit uncomfortable, "I have been reading this book," she held up the maroon book, "and I think it holds clues for us."

"Clues?" Rufus repeated excitedly. "Blue's Clues?" He raised his eyebrows at Jiya, hoping to lighten the darkening tension within the room. Jiya rolled her eyes, suppressing a smile as she tried to listen to Lucy.

Ignoring his joke, Lucy nodded, flipping the book open to show them the various drawings, stopping on the drawing of the woods outside of Roanoke where the three time machines were concealed within. "Whoever drew these pictures left hidden messages behind in all of them."

Rufus's eyes turned into slits as he stared carefully at the image. "What am I looking for?" he asked. "Waldo?"

"Pretty close actually," Lucy replied.

"You mean to tell me that Waldo is Rittenhouse?" Rufus asked as his head snapped up to meet her gaze.

Lucy shook her head, scoffing at him. "No," she told him. "I mean...the time machines."

"Oh," he muttered. "That...right..."

Wyatt rolled his eyes at Rufus as Lucy continued, "I thought it was strange at first until I saw these." She flipped the pages until she stopped at the drawing of the three-story brick house.

"Why does that look familiar?" Rufus asked, glancing at the others.

"Because," Flynn began, crossing his arms over his chest, "We've been there."

Agent Christopher blinked at the picture, lifting her gaze to Flynn. "Come again?"

Quinn nodded. "He's right," he confirmed. "That's the Austen estate in Steventon." Everyone turned their attention over to Quinn to see him seemingly unimpressed with this information.

"Okay, what about this one?" Wyatt asked, flipping through the pages until he stopped on the picture of the strange building with the tall bell tower.

Rufus balked. "That's the creepy place in the Hamptons."

Flynn nodded. "The Coast Guard's station."

Wyatt raised an eyebrow, turning the book back to look at it. "'re right," he said, glancing up to Lucy, "I can't believe I didn't remember that one."

"This is all very fascinating - " Quinn began.

Wyatt interrupted him. "That's not all!" he flipped to the author section at the back of the book, "Whoever wrote this book or at least this part, they drew the same way from the 'Wanted' posters when you guys headed back to Douglass's birth." Lucy unfolded the saved 'Wanted' posters and slid them across the table for everyone to see.

Agent Christopher studied everyone's reaction to what Lucy and Wyatt shared. Everyone seemed stunned to some degree - everyone except Quinn.

Mason cleared his throat, turning his gaze briefly to Jiya as he announced, "We've been compiling a list of events that took place during April 5th - "

"What year?" Wyatt asked.

Mason blinked at him. "All of them."

"All of them?" Wyatt repeated before he chuckled, "How many different events could have happened on that specific date?"

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