Distant Memory

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In the crowded stands, Lucy and Wyatt watched as Al Carver finished his opening speech and introduction for the show. He turned his gaze over to the tall ladder where Sonora had started her climb up the high wooden tower, he spoke into the microphone once more. "Sonora? Sonora Webster?"

The crowds were hushed, hanging onto his every word. They watched as she stopped her climb up, turning her gaze over to him as she remained on the ladder rung, confusion washing over her features.

Wyatt whispered, "What's going on?" Lucy shrugged as her eyes remained glued to Sonora.

Al continued, "Sonora Webster, I love you. I've loved you every day since I met you." Sonora's gaze turned toward the waiting crowd who were saying their ohs and awes. She started climbing down the ladder. "There's no better feeling in the world than knowing I'm going to see you every morning."

When Sonora reached the bottom of the ladder, she rushed over to Al. Even though she wasn't standing close to the microphone, her voice still echoed over the speakers. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" Al asked coyly, a wide smile on his face. "I love you...Will you marry me?" The crowds started chanting 'yes' as she stood there in stunned silence. Lucy's smile grew as she watched pure love before her eyes. Wyatt turned his gaze onto Lucy and saw how much of a romantic she was. He reached out and grasped her hand, interlocking his fingers with hers.

Sonora placed her hands on her blushing cheeks. "This is crazy!"

"Well, I'm crazy about you!" Al replied, a wide smile on his face. "So, will you?" The crowds chanted 'yes' louder.

She laughed. "Yes!" She jumped into his arms and the crowds erupted in cheers.

He planted a kiss on her ruby-red lips. He pulled away and said, "Now, hurry up! We've got a show to run!"

Sonora ran back to the ladder with a newfound joy in her step. She climbed the ladder to the top. Once she reached it, she raised her hands above her head, posing like the posters that were plastered all over the place.

The brass band started playing again, the crowds watched with anticipation as the brown horse made its way up the ramp quickly. Wyatt squeezed Lucy's hand as he watched Sonora grab a hold of the horse, pulling herself onto its bareback just seconds before it dove off the edge.

Wyatt's mouth hung open as he stared in shock, breath caught in his chest. He watched as the horse dove straight into the pool of shallow water below. Rider and horse crashed into the pool, splashing the people in the front rows with cold water.

He released the breath he was holding as the horse climbed out of the pool with Sonora still holding on. She slid off the back of the horse, posing in the same fashion she did on the ramp, a happy smile on her face. Al approached her, wrapping his arm around her waist, kissing her wet cheek as the crowds continued their standing ovation.

Lucy turned to take in his expression. She smiled wide at him. "Isn't she something?" He just nodded in response. Lucy's eyes caught Rufus and Flynn off to the side and noted their grim expressions. She pulled Wyatt behind her through the cheering crowds as she made her way over to them.

As they neared them, Lucy asked, "What happened?" Flynn's tense posture made Wyatt uneasy. Rufus glanced down at his shoes, almost like a kid who got caught stealing from the cookie jar. Lucy's eyes darted between the two. "Well?"

Rufus finally lifted his gaze, shifting slightly in place. "Well...I may or may not have done a bad thing?"

Present Day

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