Time's Scar

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Jiya's fast typing echoed within the main living area as she scanned the screen. "They've jumped to Steventon, Hampshire, April 4, 1795."

Lucy said, "This is the time of the French Revolutionary War. Not to mention, a lot of movement within the royal families and-"

"Another war?" Rufus groaned.

"And you'll be down a soldier," Agent Christopher stated, giving a side glance toward Wyatt. "So, be careful."

Wyatt glared at the woman. "What?! You're benching me?"

"You've been shot, Wyatt," Denise began. "Do I seriously need to remind you of that?"

"It's a graze-"

"We can handle it," Flynn tried to say.

Wyatt turned his ire onto Flynn. "I'm not letting you go by yourselves!"

"You don't have a say in the matter," Agent Christopher told him. "Your job is to follow orders. Your orders are to stay and recover."

Gritting his teeth, Wyatt nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

Lucy placed her hand on Wyatt's shoulder, offering a small smile as she brushed by him to head to the Lifeboat. He watched with anger flashing behind his eyes as the three climbed into the Lifeboat. His hand balled into a fist and his nails dug into his palm.

The hatch closed and locked. The machine whirred to life and those left behind in the bunker felt the burst of cold wind whip around them as the machine disappeared.


The Lifeboat landed in a large field with a couple of trees nearby. On both sides of the outer rim of the field were dense forests of tall trees. Birds were flying overhead in clear blue skies. The air was chilly and had a subtle hint of blooms in the wind.

As the hatch opened, the team emerged, squinting as the bright morning sun shined in their eyes. Once on solid ground, the team glanced about, seeing nothing but rolling hills of grass and trees.

"Which way do you think?" Rufus asked, using his hand as a visor to see.

Before anyone had a chance to respond, they watched as a familiar machine burst into view only a few feet away from them. They felt the cold wind blow over them as the machine came to rest, whirring to a stop.

The three stared in awe and wonder. Rufus's brows were knitted together as he pointed. "Uh, guys? That's our Lifeboat..." He turned to glance over his shoulder. He studied the machine sitting behind them and turned back to the one in front of them. Instantly, he saw differences.

The Lifeboat before them had more damage to its hull. The painting had been changed, the dents were bigger, numerous scratches laced the metal in ways that almost physically pained him to see. Even the window in the hatch had been blacked out. Rufus barely recognized it.

As the hatch slowly opened, the three stood there with bated breaths, waiting to see who would emerge from within. Climbing out of this beat-up Lifeboat was a figure wearing a long cloak that had been stitched together with scraps. Once they were out of the machine, they stood up, allowing the hood of the cloak to fall to their shoulders.

Rufus stared at the person before them. "Jiya?"

An older-looking Jiya stood before them, smiling warmly at the three. Her dark locks were streaked with silver strands of hair, braided loosely over her left shoulder. Her tired dark eyes now showed the wear and tear of time, wrinkles lining the corners. She even had a facial scar right above the corner of her mouth on the left. that wasn't there the last time Rufus had seen her.

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