Brave, New

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The next morning, Flynn returned to Tenley's room with two mugs of fresh coffee. He had slipped out early before anyone else woke up to make the coffee and return. He closed the door quietly behind him, locking it out of habit. He turned to see Tenley's eyes fluttering open. She smiled at him, stretching slightly in bed.

"I didn't mean to wake you," he whispered, setting the mugs on the side table. He climbed back into the bed, wrapping his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head as she nuzzled closer to him.

"I got cold," she whispered. "Where did you go?"

He chuckled. "I made coffee."

She sat up slightly as he retrieved her cup, passing it over to her. She inhaled deeply. "Oh...this smells amazing...thank you!"

He watched her for a moment. Her mannerisms were much like how they were before her disappearance and memory issues. He missed this version of her. He took a sip of his coffee before placing the mug back onto the table. "So, Nine?"

Her eyebrow raised as she turned her gaze over to him. "So, Flynn?"

His eyes bounced about her face as he asked, "I have to did you get your memory back?"

She shifted in bed, setting the mug down on her end table. "You'll think I'm lying."

"I promise you," he reassured her. "I don't think there's anything you could say to me that would make me think you were lying."

She held his gaze before admitting, "I read about it."


She nodded. "I found a book tucked under my mattress."

"What book?" he questioned, sitting up more.

She reached over the bedside, digging under the mattress. She returned with a leather-bound book. Before she could say anything more about it, the bunker alarms sounded.

"Active time travel initiated."

She sighed, setting the book back on the table. "Timing is fantastic." She looked at him. "I'll be out as soon as I get dressed.

He nodded, showing himself out of her room, making a mental note to grab that journal. He marched down the hallway. As he neared the bedroom of the others, they emerged.

"What time is it?" Rufus asked, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.

Flynn didn't blink at the question as they crossed the main room. "6:04am"

Rufus groaned as they entered the control room. Jiya sat down, typing at the console. "Uh, wow," she muttered. She turned to look at the others. "New York. July 23, 1980."

Lucy thought about the date for a moment. She shrugged. "Everything I can think of wasn't in New York."

"1980, huh?" Mason recalled. "That's going to cause quite a problem for your crew..."

Denise nodded. "I noticed..." she glanced at them. "It looks like it will be Rufus, Lucy..." she paused, looking at Wyatt. She turned her gaze over to Tenley who had joined them as the date was revealed. "How is Wyatt? Is he safe to travel?"

Tenley opened her mouth, inhaling sharply. It was apparent on her face that she wasn't convinced. "I..."

"I'm fine," Wyatt chimed in. "I can do this."

"I think you might need to wait," Denise stated on behalf of Tenley. "Your encounter with your future self seemed to do a number on you."

"Come on," he complained. "I'm fine. I'll take the transmitter as we agreed and I'll be careful."

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