A Tenuous Bond

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The time team walked along the docks of Norfolk, watching the crews of the various ships loading crates and supplies. One massive black paddle-wheeled steam frigate sat in the harbor and the team could see cannons being lifted and loaded onto the vessel. Scattered orders were being shouted across the port.

As the team walked along the pier, Wyatt gazed out into the harbor. "So, anything ringing a bell in that head of yours?"

Lucy's eyes widened at his choice of words. She stared at him in disbelief. Flynn had turned his gaze over to Wyatt, brow furrowed.

Rufus blinked at him. "Could you be any more of a jerk?"

"What?" Wyatt started. "I'm just asking if anything seems familiar."

"Maybe you should learn some new phrases," Rufus muttered.

Lucy released a heavy sigh as she turned back to the ships in the harbor. She watched the men who were hard at work, loading supplies onto the black steamer. Her eyes drifted over to see a tall man overseeing the progress. The longer she stared at him, the more his features seemed familiar to her.

His frame was wide, showing his weight to be heavier than his comrades. His long face with droopy cheeks had his name on the tip of her tongue. His sunken eyes drifted over to the man on his right and he barked more orders.

"That's Admiral Perry," Lucy finally said.

Flynn watched the officer for a moment. He recognized the name, but he was drawing a blank as to his importance.

Wyatt crossed his arms over his chest. "Okay, so...we know who he is but do we know why Rittenhouse is here?"

Lucy turned around to address the team. "Matthew Perry was the man who succeeded in opening trading routes to most of Asia and Japan." She thought for a moment longer before adding, "The dates fit his journey to Japan for the first time."

"I'm sorry," Rufus interrupted. A small, amusing smile started to grace his lips. "Did you say his name was, 'Matthew Perry'?"

Lucy nodded. "Yes..."

Rufus chuckled, turning his gaze to the other members of the time team. "I wonder if his first mate's Matt LeBlanc."

Lucy rolled her eyes. Flynn blinked at him. Wyatt had released a short laugh. Rufus seemed proud of himself for the joke.

Lucy turned her eyes back to the ship. "I'm not sure why Rittenhouse would be here...I mean, even if he fails negotiations with Japan, which he will, he comes back and eventually gets them to open up ports for trade."

"So, you're saying that it's going to happen regardless?" Wyatt asked.

She nodded. "Even if Rittenhouse stops this from being successful, it's only a matter of time, maybe years from now, that the ports open...It doesn't make any sense."

"Unless this is Bloodstone?" Rufus reminded them. "Maybe they have something to gain by being here?"

The sullen-looking man began to make his departure from his vessel. The team watched as he pushed by his crew and headed down the street. "Should we follow him?" Wyatt asked.

"We probably should," Lucy replied. "Don't you?"

Wyatt's jaw tensed. "I guess I'll call the shots then..." He motioned for the team to follow him as he walked down the lane.

Flynn eyed Wyatt as he followed him. His eyes turned to Lucy. He could see how upset she had become and he knew that it had everything to do with the way Wyatt was treating her.

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