The Future That Never Was

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Rounding the corner of the dark hallway, Quinn expected to see signs of Rittenhouse, yet there appeared to be no sign of anyone in the building. He could still hear the rehearsal for the ballet proceeding as usual as the music from the orchestra drifted throughout the building.

Tenley held Lucy's hand tightly while her eyes drifted behind them. No one was following them but she could feel eyes on them - watching their every move, causing the hairs on her body to stand at attention. Her heart raced as she expected someone to come darting out of the shadows to grab them like a horror movie.

Quinn silently ordered them to stop long enough to peer around the corner. His eyes scanned the brightly lit lobby. Aside from an usher speaking with a patron, he didn't see anyone lurking about. Using his hand, he motioned for them to follow as he turned the corner.

Just as they picked up the pace to flee from the building, a familiar frame darted into their path from the revolving door, preventing them from leaving. Emma raised her gun aimed at them. "Leaving so soon?"

Tenley and Lucy noticed Emma looked aged. Her voice was deeper than usual, her reddish hair was streaked with gray patches and there were heavy dark bags under her green eyes, despite that mischievous glint they always carried, with just the beginnings of crow's feet at the corners.

Quinn held his hands out to his side, shielding Lucy and Tenley from Emma's aim. He glared at the red-head. "Don't make a mistake ye'll regret."

Emma smirked. "I've made plenty of them," she stated, her gun firmly aimed at the trio. "This isn't one of them."

"I wouldn't be too certain of that," Quinn retorted, dark eyes narrowing at the woman in a silent challenge.

A familiar voice spoke behind them. "I was wondering when you'd show up."

Glancing over their shoulder behind them, Lucy and Tenley saw Future Wyatt emerging from the dark hallway they had just come from with his gun aimed at them. "Don't fight us," he suggested. "We just need your help - "

"Our help with what?" Lucy asked, hopeful she'd be able to reach the Wyatt she knew.

Quinn growled, "Don't listen to him!"

"Shut up!" Future Emma snapped at him, her grip tightening on her gun as she turned it on Quinn.

Future Wyatt took a small step forward. "We need the Lifeboat," he admitted. "At this point, I'd take any machine but I don't think your... 'friend'... here would be willing to part with his."

"Yer right about that," Quinn growled again through gritted teeth.

"Quinn," Tenley whispered, her tone laced with a warning. She could see the hatred on Future Emma's face and the look of determination on Future Wyatt's. She knew neither one would hesitate to kill any - or all of them - if given the chance.

Future Wyatt cocked his head to the side. Lucy spotted a large reddish scar running down the length of his neck - a scar she had missed previously. She wondered how he got it and if had anything to do with why he was so angry.

Footsteps clicked across the marble floor towards them. "We've isolated the location of the Bloodstone Mothership," a new voice proclaimed, nearing the others.

"Sounds like great news to me," Future Wyatt said with a sly smile, his eyes locked with Lucy's.

Lucy glanced over Quinn's shoulder to where Future Emma stood. Standing next to the redhead was a blonde woman that was all too familiar.

Future Wyatt chuckled as he watched the shock wash across Lucy's face. "You remember my wife, Jessica, don't you?"

Tenley's mouth fell open as her head snapped over to look at Jessica. She blinked at her, shocked to see the dead woman still alive. "What...?"

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