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Present Day

The team gathered in the infirmary after returning home. Wyatt laid on the exam table while Jiya and Flynn worked together to patch up the deep graze on his left shoulder.

Agent Christopher asked, "What happened?"

Flynn glanced at Jiya, silently telling her to take over while he spoke. "Sarah Winchester was a sleeper-"

"Rittenhouse?" Denise asked, arms crossed over her chest.

"Bloodstone," Flynn corrected.

The room fell silent at the admission. Rufus scoffed. "Man, is it a requirement for those guys to find the creepiest people?"

"How do you know she's Bloodstone?" Agent Christopher asked.

"Because," Flynn began. "She insinuated being such." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Not to mention, she helped us out of that house."

"What did they want there?" Denise asked, brows furrowed and her expression confused. "Why were Rittenhouse and Bloodstone both there?"

Flynn gave a short shrug with one shoulder. "My guess is Rittenhouse had no idea she was Bloodstone." Denise opened her mouth to ask another question, but he interrupted her. "I think Rittenhouse was there looking for something-"

"What 'something'?" Rufus blurted out. "And how would they have navigated through the place?"

Flynn gritted his teeth as he removed the envelope from his inside jacket pocket. He held it up for everyone to see. "One of them gave me this."

"What is that?" Agent Christopher asked. "And who gave it to you?"

"The man working with Rittenhouse," he explained. "The one who's been protecting Tenley-"

Lucy's head snapped up. "The one from the church?"

Flynn nodded, eyes drifting over to her briefly. He turned back to Christopher. "He said this was important and to make sure it doesn't fall into enemy hands."

"What is it?"

He shrugged again. "I thought it best to wait on opening it until we were all here."

Agent Christopher nodded, holding out her hand. "By all means."

Flynn's eyes darted to everyone in the infirmary before turning to the sealed envelope in his hands. He peeled the paper back, breaking the seal. Removing the folded paper from inside, he began to open it. His eyes darted about the page as he read silently to himself.

"Want to share with the rest of the class?" Wyatt groaned as he sat on the exam table. Jiya helped him into a sling.

Flynn glanced at him, licking his lips. "It's a list."

"Of what?" Jiya asked.

"Names," he stated, looking up briefly. He turned back to the page and began reading, "Jack Logan. Bruno Hauptmann. Lillian Smith. Margaretha Zelle. Virginia Poe. Bram Stoker-" Flynn lowered the paper. "These are the names of the Bloodstone agents we've encountered!"

"Why would he give that to you?" Agent Christopher asked.

"An act of good faith, perhaps...or maybe he didn't know what was inside," Flynn admitted with a half shrug. What Flynn kept to himself was how it might have been the man's bargaining chip to ensure that Tenley left with him.

"But why, though? I mean, what good would it do now? We already know about these people," Rufus asked. "And since when do Rittenhouse agents help us?"

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