This One Is Hope

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Flynn sat on the old couch in the empty infirmary. He rested his head against Tenley's old hoodie as he read from her small selection of books. He used to be able to smell her scent lingering in the hoodie but it wasn't as strong anymore. It broke his heart to think he had inhaled every last remnant of her since she had been gone.

In an attempt to be closer to her still, he decided to read some of the books she had requested, in an effort to get to know her better. He had chosen to read one of her Jane Austen novels - and not the one with zombies in it, as he never did understand the allure. He had read a couple of the books already but he felt as though he could feel her presence as he thumbed the pages.

With every page he turned, he could envision her fingers turning them with him. He felt as though with every word he read, he was closer to understanding her, drawing himself closer to knowing her mind. He relished every moment spent with her books and feeling that sense of loss when the book was over. It was why he kept reading them.

Flynn tried to focus on the pages but felt himself growing distracted as he sat there in the infirmary. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was changing. He hoped it wasn't a change for the negative.

The door to the infirmary opened causing him to glance over at the door. Jiya had stepped inside, eyes widening at the sight of him. "Oh, sorry!" she gasped. "I didn't know you were in here."

He shook his head, holding up the book. "Just doing some reading."

Jiya cocked her head to see the title. "I didn't figure you to be a 'Pride and Prejudice' kind of guy."

He smiled, glancing at the book in his hands. "I'm not," he admitted with a smile. "I can't get past the language."

Jiya's brows twitched briefly. "So, why read it?"

"Because she did."

Jiya's heart sank at his admittance. She could see the pain in his expression and body language. It broke her heart as she thought about the time when she was separated from Rufus. She sat down at Tenley's little table and asked, "Do you think she'll remember?"

Flynn's eyes lifted to meet hers. "I can't give up on her," his voice cracked as he spoke. "I'll try until my last breath to convince her-"

The room fell silent as he cradled the old copy of the book in his hands. Jiya sat with him, not saying a word, but making sure he wasn't alone while he worked through the thoughts that plagued his mind. She could see his struggle just as easily as his pain. And she knew there was nothing she could do to help him. So, she did the only thing she could. Sit with him.

In the common living area, Wyatt, Lucy, and Rufus sat at the table in silence. Rufus drummed his thumbs on the tabletop and asked, "What's taking her so long to bring out some games?"

"Maybe she got lost," Wyatt joked. "Maybe she took a wrong turn somewhere."

"Maybe she wants to get away from you," Rufus retorted, shooting him an annoyed look.

Lucy's eyes darted between the two. "Or maybe she realized you two would start fighting before we started and decided not to play games tonight." The two looked at her and she smiled, adding, "Or maybe she needs a hand carrying them."

Rufus opened his mouth before closing it quickly. "I should go see if she needs a hand." He pushed his chair out and left the room to find Jiya.

Once they were left alone, Wyatt leaned across the table. "Do you think we need to be worried?"

Lucy's brows furrowed. "About what?"


"Should we be?"

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