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It took less than two days for Luke's team as well as Rufus, Jiya, and Mason to fix the Lifeboat. Mason had even double-checked all of their work, making sure that they weren't cutting corners or sabotaging the machine. He was genuinely surprised when things were done correctly.

Agent Christopher approached the console where Jiya sat. She leaned over and asked quietly, "How are things going here?"

Jiya nodded. "They've fixed the Lifeboat faster than any of us could have on our own," she admitted. "I think Mason is trying to find something wrong with what they did though."

"Let him do what he feels he has to," Denise muttered, standing up straight.

Jiya chuckled. "Oh, before you go," she started. Typing rapidly at the console, she continued, "The Mothership jumped three times since we've been grounded."

"Three?" Denise repeated. "Why didn't the alarms go off?"

Jiya cleared her throat. "I... silenced them."


Jiya nodded. "I didn't want them to know about what happens here."

"Why didn't you say anything before now?"

"When did we have time?" Jiya asked. "It's not like we could go after them even if the alarms had sounded."

Agent Christopher sighed, lips pressed into a thin line. "So, where did they go?"

Before Jiya could answer, one of Luke's men shouted from across the main living area, "I think I've got something here!"

Luke, Agent Christopher, and the remaining members of the time team approached the man behind the laptop. They waited for the man to speak up. When he didn't, Luke asked almost impatiently, "What'd you find?"

The man shifted the laptop around for the audience surrounding him to see. "I have been digging through history files for 1942 and I think I finally found Flynn."

The image on the screen depicted what looked to be a man bound to a wooden post, slouched over to the left with his face nearly touching the dirt. There were a few bullet wounds on the man's chest.

Lucy squinted as she stared at the screen. She leaned forward to get a better look at the image shown. "What am I looking at?" She could see the man's figure but couldn't make out any identifiable aspects to him.

The man shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "His execution."

"What?!" Lucy gasped, standing up straight. "Are you sure that's Flynn?"

The man licked his lips, eyes darting around the group. He was nervous. "According to the very brief information available on this, an American man and woman had stumbled into a small farming village that was under German occupation. The Germans planned to interrogate them before executing them."

"So, what happened?" Agent Christopher asked as she examined the image on the screen. "I only see Flynn here."

"From what I've gathered," the man began. "Flynn was executed by German forces in that town-"

"What about Tenley?" Lucy interrupted.

He shook his head. "There's no mention of her outside of the initial statement of the man and woman seeking shelter."

"Something happened to her then," Lucy added. She glanced over to Agent Christopher. "We have to go and bring them back!"

Wyatt scoffed. "And take on an entire German platoon?"

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