People Without Hope

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Present Day

The smoky, soot-covered team returned to the bunker and regaled those there of the events that took place. Tenley worked on cleaning Wyatt's wound as they spoke. He had a superficial laceration to his temple and brow but it was the gash down his neck that brought concern as it would require numerous stitches to close up.

Lucy couldn't tear her eyes off of Wyatt's wound. She had seen the scar this wound would leave behind. She had seen it before when he chased them through the Met. She recalled wondering how he got it and when. Now her stomach twisted in painful knots as she realized this was the mission to do it.

"What happened to Abba Kovner?" Agent Christopher asked. "You didn't just leave him there for Rittenhouse to find?"

Quinn shook his head. "Once we got them out of the rubble," he started, motioning to Flynn and Wyatt, "Flynn and I scouted the area looking for Rittenhouse. They were long gone by the time we returned."

Agent Christopher turned to Lucy. "What does history say about him?" Lucy didn't acknowledge the question. She was too preoccupied with Wyatt's wound. Denise cleared her throat. "Lucy?"

Lucy blinked back to the present, turning to see several pairs of curious eyes staring at her with worry. With a sigh, she licked her lips. "Uh... he... he left vengeance aside and focused on teaching poetry at a university."

"And what about the thallium?" Denise asked, turning her attention back to Rufus and Quinn. "What did you do with that?" The two men exchanged glances. Rufus shifted in his place awkwardly. Denise's eyes narrowed on them. "What did you do?"

Rufus's head tilted to the side. "We uh..." he hesitated before admitting, "we sort of used it to start the fire."

Wyatt's head snapped up at the revelation. "You!?" he cried. "You caused the explosions? The fire? All of it?"

Rufus's shoulders shot up to his ears as his hands went out in defense. "We had to do something," he retorted. "We saw Emma going into the prison and-"

"Wait," Wyatt stopped him, "You saw Emma?"

Rufus nodded. "Yeah, and we knew we couldn't exactly knock on the front door of a prison to bail you out..." he stopped to think about what he said and nodded, choosing to skip the sarcastic remark he could have made.

Mason eyed Rufus. "Did...did you say you used that thallium to cause the explosions?"

Rufus's body language shifted to that of a child getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Maybe?"

Agent Christopher noticed Mason pinching the bridge to his nose in disapproval. She made a note to ask him about that later but there was a more pressing matter to discuss. "What happened with Emma?"

Rufus shuddered. "Well, she obviously met someone," he started, "hopefully charming but probably evil," everyone's brows drew together as he rambled on, "then I'm sure one thing led to another-"

"Rufus!" Christopher interjected, breaking him out of his rant. "What are you talking about?"

Rufus glanced about the group, stunned. "Oh, sorry," he said, "I thought we mentioned earlier that she was knocked up."

"What?!" Jiya exclaimed. "How did that happen?"

Rufus cocked his head to the side briefly. "Well, when two people - " Jiya smacked his arm. "Ow!" he gasped, holding his arm. "Oh! You meant like...of course, yeah, I have no idea."

Wyatt nodded. "I think it was a future version of her," he admitted. "We only caught a glimpse of her but she seemed... older."

"So, what did she want with Abba Kovner?" Christopher asked.

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