The March Of The Awakened

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That afternoon, the bunker alarms chimed overhead. "Active time travel initiated." Many of the residents of the bunker lifted their eyes toward the ceiling, listening to the alarm but a lot of them ignored it, continuing with their daily tasks.

The time team, including Quinn and Rowan, met Agent Christopher and Jiya at the control center. Wyatt watched the two brothers out of the corner of his eye, unsure of their presence.

"What have you got?" Denise asked, bracing against the back of Jiya's chair.

Jiya's eyes scanned the images as they popped up on the screen. As the information scrolled by, she stated, "April 5, 1946...Nuremberg."

"Nuremberg?" Wyatt repeated. "Germany?"

"It's right after the war too," Lucy said with a nod.

Quinn's eyes drifted across them, watching them think of a reason. He cleared his throat. "I think I have the answer." When the others turned to him, he added, "Abba Kovner."

"Who?" Rufus asked.

Lucy inhaled sharply. "Right...April..." she paused to think, eyes widening as it came to her. "It's about the time he leads his fighting force to carry out Plan B-"

"Can you slow down and fill the rest of us in, please?" Agent Christopher asked. "Who is Abba Kovner? And what is Plan B?"

Lucy licked her lips. "Abba Kovner was a Jewish poet who assembled a resistance fighting force. Then after the war, they sought out revenge against the Germans for how many died during the Holocaust."

"Assembled?" Rufus repeated. "Like the Avengers?"

Lucy didn't even hesitate to confirm. "They are recognized today as The Jewish Avengers."

Rufus muttered under his breath, his voice showing his enthusiasm, "So awesome!"

Denise turned to them. "Be careful out there-"

"I think it'd be wise to send one of us along," Quinn interjected, motioning between Rowan and himself. "Ye might need the extra manpower."

Wyatt gritted his teeth, a scowl rising on his expression. "We've got it handled."

Denise thought about the offer for a moment. "It might not be a bad idea-"

"You can't be serious," he scoffed, whipping his head over to glare at her.

"You're heading into post-war territories," Denise explained. "I think you might want to consider the benefits of having another trained marksman-"

"And leave who behind?" Wyatt questioned. "Do we leave Lucy? Rufus?" He motioned to the two as he said their names.

Quinn cleared his throat. "Ye could leave either one if ye so choose," he stated. "I'm a bit of a history buff myself and I know how to pilot the machines."

Wyatt turned to the others. "I'm just going to say it but I don't trust him," he glanced over at the brothers, "no offense."

"Ye've been consistent enough," Quinn told him with a small shrug. It was clear to everyone that he wasn't surprised to hear Wyatt's remark. He turned his dark eyes over to Rufus. "Would ye like to sit this one out?"

Rufus's eyes bugged out. He had been praying to hear those words since this whole thing began. He never thought in his wildest dreams that it would become an option. His mouth fell open, words catching in his throat.

Wyatt held his hand out. "Hold on a minute," he turned to Agent Christopher, "you really can't be serious about this?"

Denise shot him a quick look, lifting her shoulder slightly. She cocked her head as she said, "Whether we want to admit it or not, we've formed an alliance-"

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