At Last, It Is Time

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Present Day

The team gathered around the computer Jiya sat in front of. She typed madly at the keyboard. "It doesn't make any sense..." she muttered to herself.

"What's happening?" Agent Christopher asked.

Jiya sighed, motioning to the screen confused. "It's saying that the Mothership jumped back to 1942, just hours after we returned from rescuing Flynn..."

"Why would they go back there?" Wyatt asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Flynn's brows scrunched together as he listened.

Jiya shook her head. "I don't know but they're not there anymore."

"Where'd they go?" Agent Christopher questioned. "How long were they there for?"

Jiya tilted her head slightly. "They were there for about five or ten minutes before leaving again."

"That's about how long they'd need to drop someone off-" Wyatt started.

"But why would they drop someone off?" Lucy questioned. "We've already been there..."

A pregnant paused overtook the room. Denise asked, "You said they're not there anymore?"

Jiya nodded in confirmation. "They're back in the present."

"Keep an eye on their activity," Denise stated. "I want you to come find me the moment they leave again." Jiya nodded, swiveling in her chair to watch Agent Christopher as she left.

The team started to leave the main area, questioning why Rittenhouse would return to a place just days after they left. Flynn's mind raced as he tried to make a connection. Something felt wrong and he couldn't put his finger on why.

When the alarms in the bunker rang again a couple of hours later, Jiya's head was cocked in utter confusion. "Uh..." she smacked the computer once with an open hand. The screen briefly shook from the impact.

Mason cringed. "Hey! Let's not break the machinery-"

"What's wrong?" Agent Christopher asked, glancing down to see the confused Jiya readying her hand to smack the computer again.

Jiya lowered her hand as she stated, "It says they've gone back to June 12, 1942, but to Amagansett, New York this time."

"1942? Again?" Rufus muttered. "Talk about an obsession..."

"Maybe the system's glitched-" Jiya began.

"No!" Lucy blurted out. "Let me think..." After a moment, she snapped her fingers together a couple of times as though the answer sat on the tip of her tongue. "This was about the time for Operation Pastorius!"

"Operation what?" Rufus asked, brows furrowed.

Lucy didn't hesitate. "A group of Nazi spies infiltrated the beaches of the Hamptons-"

"Wait, what?" Rufus muttered, head shaking slightly. "Why didn't I know about this?"

Lucy opened her mouth to reply but Agent Christopher interrupted, "You can learn about it on the way." She looked about the team. "Be careful."

The usual group rushed to climb into the Lifeboat. The hatch closed and locked before they vanished from sight.


The Lifeboat landed in the grassy knolls of East Hampton. The team glanced about the fields. The beach grass blew against the wind, creating waves to the eye. Seagulls hovered in the breeze overhead, calling out to one another loudly. The fresh sea air was a welcome change of pace from their previous missions.

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