The End Is Where We Begin

19 2 0

Craigvinean Forest, Scotland


The hatch to the Future Lifeboat slowly rolled open, allowing the crisp afternoon air to seep inside along with the bright sun, causing all within to squint against the harsh light.

As Flynn exited the Lifeboat, the sounds of old leaves crunched under his feet as he glanced around. Incredibly tall trees loomed all around, the sound of rushing water nearby alerted him to the presence of a stream or river. The birds sang in the canopy overhead as they flew from tree to tree and the occasional red squirrel chattering playfully echoed around him.

He turned to help Tenley out of the machine, setting her carefully on the ground beside him as they scanned their immediate area.

Another figure poked out of the door of the machine, inhaling deeply at the autumnal scented air. "Ah, I had forgotten how nice it was here," Future Rufus sighed. He hopped out before leaning against the machine for support.

"Are you sure we're in the right place?" Flynn questioned, turning back to the older version of his friend.

Future Rufus smirked. "I'm going to pretend you didn't just question your elder."

Tenley asked, "What happens now?" She turned back to Future Rufus. "What about Rowan and Quinn?"

Future Rufus's face fell. Tenley could see the truth behind his eyes before he even opened his mouth to speak. He held her gaze, watching the tears form behind her dark eyes as he confessed, "I'm sure by now...they've succeeded in destroying both bases..."

"What will you do?" Flynn asked.

Future Rufus inhaled deeply before slowly releasing it. "Return here in about 20 years, give or take..."

"Why?" Tenley asked confused. "What happens in 20 years?"

"I probably shouldn't tell you but..." he shrugged, "we've already destroyed several timelines so... " he chuckled to himself, "I'll be coming back to pick up Rowan and Quinn to get them out of here."

Tenley saw the pain behind Future Rufus's eyes at the mention of the two. "I'm sorry..." she whispered. "How are you doing since..." her voice trailed for a moment, "since they're ..." she couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

Future Rufus sniffled, holding back his tears. "Yeah," he muttered. "They were good kids," he straightened, "Actually, Jiya will be more heartbroken since she... " his voice trailed again, "she was like a mother to them..."

"She did a fabulous job," Tenley reassured him with a sympathetic smile, "you both did."

Flynn nodded, placing his hand on Future Rufus's shoulder to squeeze it reassuringly. "You did... we were privileged to know them."

Future Rufus chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, anyway," he said, turning his tear-filled gaze away from them to the forest around them. "There should be a path somewhere that way," he pointed through the cluster of trees, "when you get to the path, follow it north to the field. You should find the house he's holed up in."

Flynn gave Future Rufus a quick hug, smiling his thanks to the man. Tenley wiped a tear away from his cheek and hugged him tightly, whispering her thanks to him.

Future Rufus pulled away, smiling and nodding in kind. "Don't die," he told them almost in a joking manner. "It would be a shame to have you come all this way and not make it..." he climbed into the machine, "I'll see you again before you know it!"

The two watched as the door to the old Lifeboat closed behind him. The machine whirred to life and disappeared from sight, blasting them with a burst of air, the leaves at their feet tumbling away from them.

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