The Legend

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The trio arrived at the racetrack with ease after having been shown the way. They spotted all of the vintage cars zooming around, kicking dust up as they drifted around the sharp corners. The gathered crowds were cheering, waving, and shouting with excitement as their favorite drivers zoomed by.

Wyatt's face beamed as he took in the different cars that zipped by. One, in particular, caught his attention - a red Porsche 356. "I've always wanted one of those!"

Rufus shook his head. "Maybe you could steal it and drive it back to the Lifeboat when we're done here."

Wyatt grimaced as he turned to face Rufus. "Say that a little louder, maybe?"

Lucy's brown eyes darted about the track, eyes scanning the faces of those out there. She saw a lot of people - most of whom were wearing helmets. It made finding who she was looking for even more challenging.

Rufus asked, "Any ideas which car has the Rebel in it?"

Lucy shook her head, eyes drifting over to the gaggle of women from earlier. A few were looking at Wyatt and whispering to one another. Her eyes flitted to Wyatt. "Well, you could always ask your fan club."

"My what?" Wyatt asked, turning away from the speeding cars to look over his right shoulder. When his eyes landed on the ogling women, he glanced back at Lucy, wearing an annoyed expression. "Really?"

Lucy shrugged. Rufus bobbed his head up and down. "You should ask them which one is James Dean."

Wyatt sighed, glaring at the two. Rolling his blue eyes, he turned and headed toward the women. As he neared them, they started giggling. He smiled wide at them, running a hand through his hair as he stopped before them. "Hey, sorry to bother you again-"

"Oh, that's okay," one of the girls managed to say, a blush forming on her face.

"I was hoping you could point out to me which car belongs to James Dean?" he asked.

The girls nudged one of their friends forward. "Nancy can show you."

Nancy glared at her friends in embarrassment before turning to face Wyatt, deep red rising in her cheeks. "If you want, that is," she said softly.

Wyatt blinked at her, smiling warmly, knowing her discomfort of being put on the spot. "Of course," he said, holding his arm out for her to take it. She hesitated but wrapped her arm through his. Her friends erupted into hushed giggles as they walked away from the group.

Lucy and Rufus watched the exchange unfold. As Wyatt led Nancy off toward the track, Rufus turned to Lucy and asked, "He's sleeping on the couch, isn't he?" Lucy hummed a response - one that Rufus heard a lot whenever he asked Lucy not to tell Jiya something he had said or done that would get him into trouble.

Wyatt and Nancy approached the gates of the track where the drivers and crew were entering. They stopped and Nancy pointed across the track to the distant crew. "That's his crew there," she told him. "I believe his car is..." She glanced across the track, finally pointing to a familiar-looking car with 23 painted on the side. "That should be Mr. Dean."

The moment Wyatt's eyes landed on the car, he remembered seeing pictures of the vehicle. It was the infamous Porsche that killed the actor. He stared at the car, feeling a little bit of shame that he hadn't recognized it sooner.

The car sped by, kicking up dust in their faces. Wyatt instinctually shielded Nancy from the debris. He glanced down at her bright green eyes that were wide as they stared up at him. He cleared his throat, putting distance between them. "Sorry."

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