A Curious Tale

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Lucy led the team down the road to the Coast Guard station. The building was an old brick building with a bell tower-style addition on top. Pointing to the building, Lucy stated, "This is where the Coast Guard set up their post. That addition on the roof overlooks the majority of the beaches here."

"So why didn't they see these guys coming?" Wyatt asked, staring at the building as they continued down the road toward it.

"They stormed the beach further down plus the heavy fog covered up the rest," Lucy replied, motioning in the general direction. "They had help from someone before they arrived, who buried supplies, clothes, explosives, money-"

"Do you remember who?" Wyatt questioned.

She shook her head. "I don't think they ever uncovered that."

"You don't think?" Wyatt repeated, turning his gaze toward her.

She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "Even though I know about ninety percent of our missions' history, there are moments where I don't."

As the team walked by the station, Rufus asked, "Why not tell them now where to find these men?"

"Well, one of the night patrolmen find them on the beach," Lucy began. "He rushes back to the station to raise the alarm..."

The team reached the beach and stared out across the clean white sand and blue water. The fog from the morning had started to lift. In the distance, they could see a thunderstorm moving on and some distant fishing boats rocking against the waves.

Flynn's eyes darted about the few residents that were walking along the shoreline. They were going about their day as if nothing were out of the ordinary - blissfully unaware of the approaching dangers. He glanced behind them to see the empty road they walked along moments ago, completely void of people.

Flynn turned back to the team. "I'm just going to throw this out there," he began quietly. "Does something feel off to you?"

Rufus's head snapped up. "I was just going to say that."

Wyatt's eyes darted between the two. "Off in what way? What are you two talking about?"

Lucy shook her head, her hair bouncing off her cheeks. "It makes sense why Rittenhouse would be here... we just need to find out where they are." Rufus and Flynn exchanged looks. Flynn jutted his jaw out slightly as he followed Lucy and Wyatt along the beach.

Flynn's eyes drifted down as he watched Wyatt reach out and grasp Lucy's hand, interlacing his fingers with hers. Memories of old washed over Flynn as he recalled his wife's hand in his. His heart ached as his mind brought him back to Tenley.

Rufus saw the gesture at the same time and turned to Flynn. "They seem cozy again." Flynn gave him a quick side glance but remained silent. Rufus sucked on his teeth before saying, "We'll find a way to get her back."

Again, Flynn remained silent. His eyes lifted to study the dunes and beach grass. The air felt lighter somehow, almost as though all of his problems had been lifted and he had no reason to worry anymore. It was a strange sensation when he knew there were so many things eating away at him. He began to wonder if he was finally accepting that Tenley was gone and she was never coming back. The thought sent a cold shiver down his spine.

Lucy and Wyatt stopped in their tracks. Lucy pointed to a broken-down fence within the sand up ahead. "Do you see that sign? The one on the post there with the shorts?" The sign she pointed to had one nail still holding it up at an awkward angle. There was a pair of men's shorts hanging off the top portion of the wooden sign.

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