The Hunt Is Coming

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Wyatt left the interrogation room to take a break. He sighed heavily as he entered the observation room, glancing around to see only Agent Christopher and Flynn remained. "Where is everyone?"

"Taking a break," Denise explained, voice heavy with worry and regret.

Wyatt nodded, understanding completely why they would. They had been at this for hours now and with little success. He questioned how much Poppy really knew - if anything - but he had seen the sly grins she gave them - gave Quinn - during their questioning. He knew she knew something but she managed to withstand more torture than most he'd seen during his times as a special forces soldier.

He slumped into an empty chair to watch Quinn continue with his violent questioning. Poppy remained in her chair, handcuffed to the table, her coppery hair disheveled, bruises forming across her pale semi-freckled skin, blood seeping from her mouth and brow.

Quinn paced the room a few feet from her. "I've got all day, Poppy," he calmly told her. "Ye, on the other hand, don't."

She spat blood across the table at him, glaring through blood-laden lashes.

He sucked his teeth before placing his hands flat on the top of the table. "Ye know Reynolds gave ye up?" he watched her expression as he continued, "How else do ye think we figured out it was ye?" He licked his lips, calmly standing up. "So...what'd he promise ye? A new life far and away from Roanoke?"

Poppy chuckled, choking on her blood as she jutted her jaw out in amusement. "You don't know anything..."

He gritted his teeth. "What is yer role here, Poppy?" she chuckled again as he asked, "What did ye have to say to him at the prison?"

Her head snapped up at those words, her eyes growing wide. "What did you say?"

He straightened, crossing his arms. "Oh, aye," he told her, "We have a picture of ye there," he blinked at her, "What'd he tell ye?"

"You don't know anything," she told him again, licking her lips and grimacing at the pain of her busted lip.

"So enlighten me," he suggested. "Tell me what ye know and I'll make this stop."

She laughed. "Right..."

He sighed. "I mean it," he told her calmly, his expression softening, "Ye tell us what we want to know, we'll give ye a ride to any place ye disappear and never be found again."

"I want one of the machines," she spat back.

"Fine," Quinn told her without missing a beat. "I'll give ye mine if yer so inclined."

Wyatt's face contorted as he turned to Agent Christopher. "Can he do that?"

"He just did," she replied, eyes locked onto the two inside the interrogation room, wondering what he was about to do.

Flynn hadn't moved or spoken since this all started. He knew Quinn was lying. He'd never let her leave - not alive anyway - but it begged the question as to what he was trying to accomplish.

Poppy shook her head. "I don't believe you."

"Guess that's a gamble ye'll have to take for yerself," he told her. "Or we continue with what we're doing. It's yer call." She let her head fall to her chest as she thought for a moment.

It was at this moment, Lucy, Jiya, and Rufus returned to the observation room. "We've just discovered something!" Rufus announced. "Well, Jiya did, actually - "

"What are you talking about?" Wyatt asked, turning in his seat to look at them.

Agent Christopher tore her eyes away from the room to glance at them. "Do you mind? We're - "

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