Find The Princess

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Finding the location for the dance had been an easy endeavor as the town plastered homemade signs all over the place. From the outside, the time team could hear the live music playing within the elegant building that Lucy had determined to be City Hall.

"What's the plan here?" Wyatt asked. "We can't exactly go in there and pretend we're a bunch of teenagers."

"Well, maybe you can't," Rufus said. "Some of us haven't gone gray yet."

Wyatt shot him an annoyed look. Flynn suggested, "Why don't Rufus and Lucy head inside. We can scout around the street."

"And what happens when they run into Bloodstone?" Wyatt asked. "It's not like either one of them is armed."

"I'll go with Flynn," Rufus offered. "Problem solved." Rufus started down the lane, eager to end the fighting that seemed to never stop.

Lucy watched as Flynn gave her a small apologetic smile before following Rufus. Wyatt reached out to grab her arm but she pulled away from him. She turned and entered City Hall. Wyatt sighed, following her in.

Walking down the lane, Rufus asked, "What was all of that about?"

"I've been trying to talk some sense into Wyatt," Flynn told him.

Rufus's face contorted in confusion. "You're giving him advice?" Flynn hummed a response and Rufus asked, "Has it worked yet?"


"Didn't think so," Rufus admitted. "That boy's got a thick skull."

Flynn sighed. "I think he's the reason why Tenley disappeared."

Rufus flinched as if the words had slapped him. "What? Is that even possible?"

"Think about it for a moment," he said. "She's from the future...the child of Lucy and Wyatt."

"But they're having a rough patch," Rufus stated. "It's not like they hate each other."

"Are you so sure about that?"

"They love each other."

"Then why did Tenley disappear?" Flynn asked. "And if this was a simple fix, why haven't they made up?"

"Some things take time," Rufus suggested. Flynn sighed. He wasn't convinced and Rufus knew it.

The two walked down the lane, scanning the dark corners of the street searching for signs of Bloodstone or even Rittenhouse. After they walked the length of the main street, Rufus tossed his hands out to his sides in frustration. "Why is it every time we're looking for the crazy evil cultists, they're nowhere to be found?"

"Maybe you're not looking hard enough."

"Maybe you're not look-" Rufus started to repeat. He whirled around to face Flynn. "Wha-"

When Rufus turned around, he saw Flynn's gaze locked onto something further up the road leading out of town towards the dark woods. Upon turning to investigate, he didn't see anything except a couple of kids walking along the lane.

"What are you looking at?" Rufus asked.

"Those kids aren't going to the dance," Flynn pointed out.


Flynn inhaled deeply. "We should check it out."

"You mean you actually want to go into the dark spooky woods at night?" Rufus asked. Flynn shook his head as he brushed by Rufus. Rufus followed him asking, "Haven't you ever seen a horror movie?"

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