To Call Our Own

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Present Day

Lucy didn't wait until she was asked before posing the question herself, "What happened at Gettysburg?"

Agent Christopher exchanged confused glances with Jiya and Mason. She turned back to the team climbing out of the Lifeboat. "Nothing of historical meaning...Both armies surrounded Gettysburg before the Potomac Army intercepted General Longstreet's army as they were heading to DC."

Mason said, "If my memory is correct, General Meade had help from some 'concerned' farmers who told him of Longstreet's plans." When he studied the team's faces, he asked, "You're the farmers?"

Lucy's lips pressed into a thin line. "I'm...gonna some history books." Before she could rush off, Denise stopped her.

Agent Christopher asked, "What about Rittenhouse? Bloodstone?"

"This was definitely a Rittenhouse mission," Rufus chimed in. "Trying to change the outcome of the war...and not taking someone from the past back to the future...screams Rittenhouse."

Agent Christopher turned to Lucy. "Let me know if you discover anything within your books. I want to know why Rittenhouse would want to change this-"

Rufus muttered, "Let's just be glad they didn't."

"Get cleaned up," Denise ordered. She held eye contact with Lucy. "Keep me posted."

Lucy nodded, walking quickly back to her old room. When she entered, she noticed that her things hadn't been moved. Everything remained exactly as she had left it before sleeping in the infirmary.

She reached her bookshelf and skimmed the spines, searching for the books on the Civil War. She pulled them off one at a time, into her arms. Crossing back across the room, she dumped them onto the bed.

The door to the room opened. Her head whipped up to see Wyatt closing the door slowly behind him as he entered, eyes fixed on her. "Do you want some help?"

She thought for a moment. Deciding to give him a chance to regain some trust between them, she extended a book toward him.

He sat down on the bed, taking the book from her. He opened it and asked, "What should I search for?"

"Anything on Gettysburg," she said, turning her attention to her own open book. "Or Meade...or us..."

Wyatt nodded, flipping the book to the index at the back. "What are you hoping we find in here?"

She released a heavy sigh, brushing the loose strands of her dark hair out of her face. "Something that could explain all of this...even if it is just some...harebrained least it's something."

Wyatt carefully skimmed the index. "I'm not seeing anything on Meade or Gettysburg in here."

"Try Longstreet," Lucy added.

He flipped it open again, turning the pages. "Nothing."

She pointed to another book. "Try that one." She continued scanning through her book.

Wyatt continued through the index of the next book. "Here...I think I might have something." He flipped to the correct page and started reading, "It looks like Longstreet had been approached by a group of defectors," his voice hitched in a laugh. He knew the defectors were really Rittenhouse agents. He continued, "who promised a way for the Confederate Army to win the war. They had 'stolen' battle maps to show how the battle of Gettysburg would go if they moved forward with General Lee's plan. General Longstreet pushed for his plan to attack the capital and Lee agreed."

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