Time Enough For Love

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Present Time

The Lifeboat returned to the padded landing room. Rufus was still enamored over the simple fact that the Lifeboat didn't make the clanking sound upon landing anymore. He was giddy with the idea of the Lifeboat finding a soft place to rest.

They climbed out of the Lifeboat, Flynn helping Wyatt. Denise eyed them. "What happened?"

Flynn led Wyatt toward the infirmary, brushing by Denise. "It's quite the story."

Denise followed the group across the large bunker to the infirmary, her dark eyes rolling slightly. "Well, I am on the edge of my seat."

Flynn helped Wyatt sit on the exam table, glancing around the room. "Where's Tenley?"

Jiya said, pointing her thumb over her shoulder, "She's in her room. She hasn't come out for a while."

Flynn's jaw tensed as he narrowed his eyes at her. "And no one thought to check on her?" He brushed by them toward Tenley's room, frustrated no one bothered to see if she was okay, to make sure she was still in this new bunker. Memories of her leaving to meet with his brother, Gabriel or Tim as she knew him by, came rushing back to him. He hoped she was okay.

He approached her bedroom door and knocked on it somewhat gently. "Nine?" He knocked again, this time, an urgency behind it. "Nine? Are you in there?" He heard subtle movements on the other side of the door before she opened it. His brows drew together as he stared deep into her dark eyes. His mouth parted on their own accord. There was a sense of familiarity behind her wide eyes as she stared up at him - a familiarity he hadn't seen in quite some time. "Nine?" he slowly started to ask, his eyes studying her expression. "Are you okay?"

Her dark eyes bounced around his face, examining him, almost taking in every detail of his being as if she hadn't seen him in years - like she was memorizing him. She seemed to be searching for something behind his stunned expression. Her mouth parted and her chest rose and fell in quick succession.

He opened his mouth to ask her another question but never got the chance - she jumped into his arms, lips crashing against his as she pulled him closer into her unexpected and unforeseen kiss.

He grabbed the doorframe with both hands to stabilize them before wrapping his long arms around her waist once he was firmly planted on his feet. His lips moved against hers with ease, relishing in the familiar feeling of her soft lips on his. She gripped the hair on the back of his head, pulling him closer to her.

Flynn's mind froze as he remembered Wyatt and his need for medical attention. He set her down on the ground, forcing himself to pull away from her. He sighed as they stared at one another, neither wanting to part. It killed him to end this encounter when he wanted nothing more than to reacquaint himself with her privately. "...Uh..." he swallowed, licking his lips and tasting her vanilla lip balm, "I...I want to talk about this later but..." he motioned with his hand toward the infirmary, "we need your help with Wyatt first."

Emotions washed over her from stunned to embarrassment, to seriousness. She closed her door behind her as she rushed toward the infirmary. Flynn stood there for a moment, watching her. He blinked away his confusion as he trailed behind her, gathering his composure as he walked.

When Flynn and Tenley entered the infirmary, Lucy had finished informing Agent Christopher about what took place in 1877. Denise asked, "So, do we know anything about the man who kidnapped the singer?"

Wyatt groaned. "Me." All eyes darted over to him, some shocked, others not. "It was me..."

Mason's mouth fell open as the realization struck him. "Then you're experiencing..."

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