Dimension Breach

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Rufus nearly fell out of bed when Jiya bolted upright, screaming bloody murder. He caught himself, rushing to her side as he gripped her shoulders. "Jiya! Jiya!"

His wide eyes stared at her in a state of sheer panic. His mouth hung open as he realized Jiya's eyes were completely white. He knew what this was; he had seen this before. She was having a vision - one she couldn't snap out of willingly.

The heavy door to his room flew open, slamming into the wall opposite as the rest of the bunker rushed in. Wyatt and Flynn both armed with guns, aimed before them for whatever they might discover. They lowered their weapons when they saw Jiya staring at the ceiling, eyes white with a vision.

"What's happening?" Tenley asked, staring at her. The fear on the doctor's face reminded Rufus of people in horror movies. He would have commented on it if he wasn't terrified for Jiya.

"She's having a vision," Lucy explained briefly. She couldn't think of anything else to say as she stared at Jiya.

"Vision?" Tenley repeated, completely confused.

Lucy nodded. "I've never seen it like this before though."

"Someone should call Agent Christopher," Mason suggested.

"I'll do it," Lucy offered, fleeing the room.

Rufus gently shook Jiya, trying to break her out of the hold this vision had on her. "Jiya?" he whispered, his voice cracking. "Baby?"

Jiya's body finally went limp in his arms, her eyes fluttered closed. Rufus lowered her back into the bed, leaning over her. He brushed her hair out of her face as he studied her. "Jiya?"

After a few moments, Lucy returned. "Agent Christopher is coming as soon as she can." Her eyes darted over to the bed. "How is she?"

"Jiya?" Rufus whispered. "Come on...wake up..."

Tenley inched her way forward. Wyatt grabbed her wrist, stopping her. She whirled around to look at him. Wyatt hissed, "What do you think you're doing?"

Tenley tugged at her wrist, trying to break free of Wyatt's hold. "I need to check on her-"

"No," Wyatt said, voice firm. "You don't."

"Get your hand off of her," Flynn growled. Wyatt glanced up at him, silently sizing the man up. Flynn's glare was enough to make most cower and even Wyatt could see Flynn's desire to protect Tenley if he had to. He released his hold.

Tenley glanced between the two before stepping up to the bed. She reached over carefully and felt for a pulse. "Her heart is racing."

"Jiya?" Rufus pleaded. "Come on, don't do this..."

"Has she done this before?" Tenley asked.

Rufus nodded. "A couple of times..." With tears running down his cheeks, he looked at Tenley. "Help her...Please."

She nodded back. "I'll be right back," she told him. She stood up and turned to the others. "She needs rest. I'll let you know how she's doing later." She started out of the room.

"Where do you think you're going?" Wyatt questioned.

Calling over her shoulder, she answered, "To get some supplies from my room." She disappeared down the hall.

Mason looked up at Flynn. "Seems she's remembering some things."

Flynn blinked at the remark but remained silent. He wasn't sure. She had done a few things already that reminded him of how she was before but whether she was remembering or not, he couldn't say. He still held hope she was getting her memory back but only time would say for certain.

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