What The Seeker Had Sought

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Rowan glanced over his shoulder to see that Amy had disappeared. His adrenaline raced as he began scouring the house as best as he could to find her. He hoped Emma wasn't trying another stunt as she did back in 1892. God have mercy on her if that was the case because he certainly wouldn't.

He slipped down a back corridor and heard footsteps on the stairs before him. Quickly, he darted into a side room, peeking around the corner to see who was coming up.

His eyes landed on Sarah Winchester. He watched her for a moment as she meandered her way closer to him. He reached for his gun and paused, second-guessing his decision to use it.

"There's no need for that here," her voice called out. His brow furrowed at her words. She spoke again, "Come on out. We have much to discuss."

Face contorted with confusion, he did as asked. He rounded the corner to see her standing there, watching him emerge. "How'd ye know I was there?"

"I know a lot of things," she told him, shrugging slightly. "Follow me. We can't linger in one place for too long."

He scoffed but fell in line with her. She led him to a massive painting of a Union soldier on the wall. She pushed a hidden switch, the loud click releasing the door echoing around them. The painting swung inward and she stepped forward, waving for him to follow. As he passed into the hidden passageway, she closed the painting, clicking it locked.

She brushed by him and continued down the narrow corridor. "I've been waiting for you for some time."

"What do ye mean by that?"

She glanced over her shoulder briefly. "You're late," she scolded. "You were supposed to be here a couple of days ago but I guess time travel does muck things up." She turned to face him as she opened another hidden walkway. "Don't look so surprised, it makes us look bad."


"Bloodstone," she replied, leading him further into the house.

He staggered on his step at her admittance. "Ye're Bloodstone?"

She halted in her tracks, hands on her hips as she glared at him. "You didn't know?" She sighed, shaking her head. "I suppose it was planned this way..."

"What was?" Rowan asked, following her.

"The less you know, the better," she stated. "Now then... you're here for the important documents that Rittenhouse is after, correct?" He nodded, blinking through his stunned confusion. She smirked, sliding the hanging picture on the wall to the side, revealing a hidden switch.

Rowan watched as the woman pressed the switch and another picture hanging across the room swung open. She walked over and reached into the cubby behind it. He heard the sounds of papers rustling as she pulled out an envelope, still sealed.

She began to meander her way over to him. She held the envelope out to him. "Make sure you take them and keep them safe from Rittenhouse." She pulled it back as his hand neared it. He lifted his gaze to meet hers as she added, "It's imperative that you not fail with this task. The tides of this war depend on it."

Rowan nodded as he reached for the envelope once more. As he took it from her, his eyes darted to it. He fought the urge to open it up and read the contents. He nodded again slowly. "Thank ye."

Sarah gave him a curt nod. "Now, I would suggest you find your young doctor friend and get out of this house while you still can."

"What do ye mean?"

"While the earthquake is coming," she reminded him. "You forget that Emma is still on a mission..."

Rowan cocked his head slightly. "She's still after Amy?"

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