A Prayer And A Whisper

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Amy cautiously made her way down the long hallway toward Rowan's room. Her brown eyes darted down each side of the open hall, afraid she'd run into Emma again. Her heartbeat against her ribs as she made her way slowly through the empty corridors. Her nerves were running rampant. She could feel her hands trembling as she neared Rowan's room.

Stopping before his door, she reached out and gently tapped on it. She glanced over her shoulders, feeling eyes on her. When there was no one around, she tapped on the door again, a feeling of panic building.

The door slowly opened and she was face to face with Rowan. He saw the fear written on her face and motioned for her to enter, head darting out into the hallway, only to see it empty.

Closing the door behind him, he turned to face her, concern evident in his expression. With a soothing tone, he asked, "Are ye all right?"

Amy's mouth fell open as she blinked at him. Her words were stuck in her throat. She didn't know how to tell him the truth - especially when she was having doubts about what the truth was.

He saw the struggle with her thoughts as he studied her. His stormy blue eyes softened as he approached her. "Amy? What's going on? Talk to me."

Taking a slow, deep, and shaky breath in, she closed her eyes to steady her nerves. When she opened her eyes again, Rowan was standing inches before her, hands holding her shoulders gently as he stared deep into her eyes. She licked her lips before letting the words fall out of their own accord. "What happened to me?"

His brow furrowed at her question. "What do ye mean?" His eyes darted around her face, wondering where she was going with this. He could hear the desperation behind her tone.

She sighed heavily, pulling away from him and placing her palm to her forehead. "I don't know, Rowan," she said. "I don't know anymore. I'm so confused-"

"About what?"

"Everything," she admitted, dropping her hand from her head. She turned back to face him. "Tell me the truth...why does Emma hate me?"

"She hates everyone," he told her with a shrug. Amy shot him a disapproving glance. He added, "It's true. She hates everyone except herself." After a moment, he asked, "Is that what this is about? What she did to ye in the hallway?"

Amy sat down on the edge of his bed. She shook her head, blinking tears away from her eyes. "I just...I don't..." a sharp sigh blew from her lips. "What will happen to me if she corners me again and I'm unable to defend myself against her?" Rowan crossed his arms over his chest, listening to her. She added, "Carol told me that I was a fighter and yet...I don't feel like one..."

Rowan stepped forward, kneeling before her, his hands rested on the edge of the bed on either side of her. "If that's what is bothering ye, I can help ye." Her eyes lifted to meet his as he stated, "If ye're worried about defending yerself, then let me train ye."

Amy blinked at him in shock. She hadn't expected him to offer training her so easily. She averted her gaze to her lap. He tilted his head at her, waiting for whatever else on her mind to come forward. When she didn't speak, he stood up and pointed out, "Something tells me that wasn't the only thing worrying ye."

She hesitated. He saw the lingering fear on her face. He sat next to her, voice calm and quiet as he said, "Ye have to trust someone, Amy. Let me be that person for ye."

She turned her eyes toward him. Chewing on the inside of her lip, she studied his face. The sincerity of his expression told her he was telling the truth. She swallowed nervously, deciding she had no other choice but to trust him. "Quinn mentioned that I'm not safe here...but from who?"

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