Decisive Battle

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The team followed the road away from the farm and toward Gettysburg. The sun shone brightly overhead as they walked - not a cloud in the sky. The wind blew gently over the grassy hills, creating a water-like effect throughout.

"Hard to believe that in a few days, this whole area is going to be littered with the dead," Wyatt stated.

"Unless Rittenhouse changes that," Rufus muttered.

Wyatt glanced out of the corner of his eye at Rufus. "What is with you today?"

"If you haven't noticed," Rufus began. "We're in the worst time of history for my people."

"Actually-" Lucy started.

Rufus shot her a look. "The worst." He turned his attention back to the fields. "I just want to figure out what's happening here so we can go home quickly."

"We've been in worse places," Wyatt replied.

Rufus's face contorted in disbelief. "Right... sure. I keep forgetting that history sucks only for someone like me."

"Hey now," Wyatt started, turning to face his friend. "You were getting on me for being grumpy-"

Rufus scoffed, tossing his hands out to the side, "You're seriously going to compare what I'm going through with the grudge you're holding against Lucy?"

Lucy cleared her throat, trying to subtly break up the fight. Rufus shook his head as he turned to her. "No, he needs to hear this-"

"Hear what?" Wyatt snapped back.

Flynn raised his hands, trying to keep the peace. "This is not the place for this-"

"He's been licking whatever wound Lucy gave him over leaving Tenley-"

"You're going to want to stop talking," Wyatt tried to interrupt.

Rufus shook his head. "Man, just admit you were wrong-"

"Enough!" Flynn hissed.

The guys were so focused on each other, they hadn't noticed that Lucy had stopped walking. They bumped into her. Glancing up at her then following her line of sight, they spotted a scouting party of Union soldiers - all of whom were currently aiming their rifles at them.

Lucy raised her hands in defense. "Please," she started. "We're looking for Major General Meade."

The soldiers didn't tear their eyes away from the team. Instead, the men approached the time team, weapons still trained on them. Once surrounded, the soldiers began escorting them down the lane.

"Where are they taking us?" Rufus asked, voice beginning to panic.

Lucy whispered, "Hopefully to Meade..."

"We're going to be shot, aren't we?" Rufus muttered.

"Quiet!" one of the soldiers behind Rufus shouted, pushing him slightly with the butt of his rifle.

Rufus glared at Lucy, unhappy about the current state of things. She didn't need words from him to know exactly why he was upset. She gritted her teeth as she followed the men further into the woods.

After being forced to march into the woods for a couple of miles, they broke through the tree line. Sitting before them in the open clearing was a small encampment of Union troops.

The white tents were lined up perfectly, American flags waving in the wind at the ends of the rows. Soldiers were busy moving about the area, gathering supplies, or grabbing some food at the cook's station.

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