Words Drowned By Fireworks

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Atlantic City was bustling with crowds. Music blared across the boardwalk from a live brass band in the center. Screams from numerous rides and laughter from those enjoying the amenities echoed all around. The nightclubs' windows were plastered with posters of their upcoming entertainment each featuring different jazz musicians.

The team walked down the pier, eyes wide as they took in the nearly new attractions. Lucy's wide brown eyes were shining bright like a kid on Christmas as she took it all in, a big smile plastered on her ruby lips.

Rufus muttered, "I could get used to being in places like this." When Wyatt glanced at him, he added, "Except for the fact that I'm not allowed into ninety percent of these buildings." He eyed the signs that prohibited 'coloreds' from entering.

Flynn scanned the wave of people on the busy pier. He hoped to spot Tenley within the sea of faces. He'd even settle for Emma, just to see if she'd lead them to where Tenley was. It was then that his mind reminded him of a terrible possibility: Tenley might not even be on this mission.

"Flynn?" Lucy's voice tore through the crowd, alerting him to the simple fact that she had asked him a question and he hadn't been paying attention. He blinked at her, silently asking her to repeat herself, which she did. "Should we split up?"

He looked back at the growing crowds. "I don't know if that's a good idea."

Wyatt sighed, placing a hand on his hip. "Well, we need to figure out which direction we're heading then."

Rufus pointed to a large banner hanging over the boardwalk, tied to two large posts. "How about we start there?"

The team turned their gaze to the banner Rufus had pointed out. In bold red paint, the words 'Doc Carver's Amazing Diving Horses and Riders' were hung.

"Diving horses?" Wyatt repeated as he read from the sign. "What era is this?"

"Doc Carver!" Lucy sighed, that familiar fangirl gleam in her eyes, a dreamy smile on her face.

"Are we supposed to know who that is?" Rufus asked.

Lucy turned to the team, all of whom were clearly lost. "He traveled with Buffalo Bill and the Wild West Show before he broke off to do his own thing with the circus and carnivals."

"So, are you saying we should pay him a visit then?" Wyatt questioned. "Is it possible that Rittenhouse is here for him?"

She shook her head. "He died a few years ago...his son, Al, should be managing things."

"Diving horses," Wyatt repeated, rubbing his temple. "What will they think up next?"

The team headed down the packed pier toward the end of the boardwalk where Carver's show was set up. People were marching along, preparing themselves for the upcoming show, several carrying cotton candy, popcorn, or little flags to wave.

As they neared the entrance, they spotted a flock of people clustered around someone. Upon approach, they spotted a young woman wearing a beautiful yellow sundress and matching hat. She wore a bright smile as she greeted the gathered people. It wasn't until they drew closer that they noticed she was signing autographs on photos of herself with a horse.

If it were possible for Lucy's face to beam any brighter, it did the second her eyes landed on the woman encircled by the crowd. Wyatt noticed her expression and asked, "Who is she?"

"Sonora Webster!" Lucy sighed. "She's the star of the show!"

"Show?" Wyatt repeated, eyes darting back to the woman. "This show?"

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