The Big Four

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Quinn entered the observation room, wiping his bloodied hands on a towel as his dark eyes lifted to Wyatt. "Get Tenley," he ordered. "Have her fix the woman up."

Wyatt was about to retort when his eyes landed on Agent Christopher. When she nodded, he sighed, leaving the room to find the doctor.

Quinn turned his gaze to Lucy. "How are ye faring?"

Lucy felt queasy but nodded. "I'll manage."

"So," Agent Christopher began, bringing Quinn's attention back to her, "you managed to get the location of both bases. What now?"

"Don't ye worry about that," he told her. "I'll handle that when the time comes."

"Why you?" Agent Christopher asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "I can send squads in - "

"And have them go to their deaths?" Quinn retorted. "Haven't ye killed enough of yer people?"

Feeling like it was a low blow, Agent Christopher gritted her teeth as her lips pressed into a thin line of disapproval over his remark. Before she could say anything, Flynn spoke for the first time since the interrogation and torture began, "And what would you do?"

Quinn glanced over his shoulder. "What ye can't."

"Which is?" Flynn pushed as he stood to his feet.

"Leave the bases to me," he reiterated. "We need to figure out what to do about Poppy and Reynolds."

"Why do I get the feeling you already have a plan?" Flynn countered. "Like you've had one this entire time?"

Quinn's lips twitched as he suppressed a knowing smile. "Anything's possible."

The door to the interrogation room opened, redirecting their attention to watch Tenley enter with her arms full of supplies, Wyatt closed the door behind them. Wyatt remained at the door, leaning against it with his arms crossed over his chest. Poppy's head lifted to see the doctor enter but sneered at her, averting her gaze.

Cautiously, Tenley neared the battered woman, setting her things on the table to pull a pair of purple latex gloves on. The moment she began cleaning up the woman's facial lacerations, she heard Poppy mutter through swollen lips, "I don't get it."

Tenley's brows drew together as she paused her work. "Don't get what?"

"What's so special about you..." Poppy remarked. Tenley paused her work to blink at the bruised and bloodied woman before her. When Poppy lifted her gaze, she smirked. "Oh, I see..."

"See what?" Tenley asked.

"You've started to figure it out..." Poppy stated, a bloody smile widening on her expression. "Haven't you?"

Tenley blinked at the woman. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Poppy chortled. "Of course you do...I see it on your face as plain as day..."

A knock landed on the door to the interrogation room causing Wyatt to push off the door to open it and Quinn stepped inside. Poppy leaned back in her chair to put distance between the two as Quinn approached. He placed his hand on Tenley's shoulder. "Grab yer things and come with me."

Tenley's eyes never left Poppy's. "What about her?"

"She can wait," he told her. "Hurry up now."

"Yes," Poppy taunted with a sadistic grin. "Hurry up...time is running out for you..." she laughed maniacally as she watched the doctor scoop up her things to follow Quinn and Wyatt out of the room.

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