Lost Broken Shards

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Present Day

The Lifeboat landed inside the bunker. The alarms were silenced just as the hatch started to open slowly. Wyatt watched as Rufus and Lucy climbed out first. Then his eyes lifted to see Flynn and Tenley emerge. His mouth fell open, eyes narrowed on her. Tenley's eyes were wide and her body language was awkward and tense.

Agent Christopher blinked at the doctor. "What...what happened?"

Lucy glanced over at Flynn and Tenley before returning her gaze to Denise. "They...gave her back..."

"Who did?" Agent Christopher asked. "What happened in 1795? What did Rittenhouse want-"

"Well, that's the question of the year," Rufus muttered. Denise turned to him and he added, "Long story short? Future Jiya came to tell us not to do anything and then we find out she's working for blondie's creepy brother who's apparently Bloodstone-"

All eyes darted over to Jiya. Her expression was mixed with confusion and defense as Rufus continued to accuse her of working with the enemy - at least, that's how she took it.

Rufus asked, "Are you Bloodstone?"

"Rufus," Jiya said, a hint of a lecture behind her tone. Her head was cocked to the side as she glared at him. "How could I possibly be working with Bloodstone?"

"I don't know," he said. "But you were with him and...come to think of it, every time we've seen Future You, you've been warning us about things...like you've known all along-"

"Or," she interrupted. "I'm helping you by telling you when things are a trap or distraction - which," she turned to the others, looking for help on the matter. "I believe I've actually helped you, right?"

Rufus let his head hang slightly. Deep down, he knew he was out of line but he couldn't shake this feeling of betrayal. He didn't know what happened - or would happen - that would cause Jiya to join forces with Bloodstone.

Denise stared at Rufus for a moment before turning her attention back to the others. "One more time, a little simpler, please?"

Lucy inhaled deeply before she began to regale Denise and the others on what took place in 1795, beginning with Future Jiya's warning when they first arrived. She told them all about Steventon and the Austen family. She mentioned the moment Tenley and the brothers arrived at the home of Jane Austen, asking for them to join them outside. She even described the strange turn of events between the brothers and how they ultimately told them to take Tenley back with them.

Denise listened carefully to the story, afraid to interrupt in case she missed an important detail. Rufus, however, was the first to pipe up after Lucy. "They came back for the brother in a Death Star Mothership!"

"A what now?" Mason asked arms crossed over his chest.

Rufus explained the moment when the other Mothership had appeared - the colors and overall dark energy that seemed to come from it. He continued to hold firm in his position that it looked like something straight out of Star Wars.

Wyatt hadn't taken his gaze off of Tenley. "Am I the only one who thinks something is wrong with this picture?"

Flynn's comforting hold on Tenley's arm tightened slightly, reassuring her that she was safe, despite whatever Wyatt may say next. He glared at Wyatt, a silent warning on his expression. It didn't go unnoticed by the soldier.

Wyatt ignored Flynn's heated gaze. "They just handed her back to us? Without anything in return? That isn't suspicious to any of you?"

Denise nodded, carefully glancing over to Tenley and Flynn. "He does have a point," she admitted. "We are happy to have you back, doctor, don't get us wrong but..."

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