A Sacrifice

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"Where is she?" Wyatt shouted, pushing his way through the crowd. "Do you see her?"

Rufus shook his head as he glanced about. He spotted some shipping crates against the building and ran toward them. He climbed up to the top and gazed out into the mass of men who gathered at the docks. He didn't see Lucy anywhere.

Flynn scanned the crowd. He stood a good few inches to a foot over the miners. He wasn't just looking for Lucy but something told him that Bloodstone had to be involved here. He kept an eye out for the Suits but all he could see were miners for what felt like miles.

The miners gathered where the Tynemouth docked. As the gangplank was pushed out, connecting with the dock, the Captain of the ship emerged. The miners shouted with anticipation. The Captain raised his hands to calm the excited crowd.

The dock foreman walked up to meet the Captain. Flynn watched as the two exchanged words and signed some papers. He wondered if there was a cut in profit for the foreman for keeping this quiet.

Wyatt stopped next to him. "Do you see her?"

Flynn glanced down and saw the fear in Wyatt's eyes. For the first time in a while, Flynn saw the terror that filled his expression. Despite the attitudes he had been giving to Lucy - despite their fights and Wyatt's snide remarks - it was at this moment, all of that had been washed away. Flynn saw love on Wyatt's face. He was terrified for Lucy.

"Do you see her, Flynn?" Wyatt repeated, voice growing in tension as he turned his gaze up to meet Flynn's.

Flynn shook his head. "No. I don't."

Rufus approached the two. "I can't spot her anywhere in the crowds. There are so many people here, it's crazy... I mean, with this many people, how did this not attract more attention in history?"

"We should split up - " Wyatt started.

"Wait," Flynn interrupted, grabbing Wyatt's shoulder. He kept his eyes locked on a group at the base of the gangplank. "I think I see our 'friends'."

Wyatt glanced over to the direction Flynn was staring but couldn't see past the gathered crowd. "So, what do we do?"

Before Flynn had a chance to suggest a course of action, the foreman shouted over the crowd, arms outstretched to maintain peace and order, "Quiet! Quiet!" The crowds settled, listening to what the man had to say.

The foreman lowered his hands and shouted, "We're going to do this in an organized fashion! Two by two, like the ark!"

Scattered laughter erupted across the crowd. Rufus shifted uncomfortably in place. "Please tell me he isn't suggesting what I think he is?"

Two young women were brought out onto the gangplank, side by side. Flynn blinked at them. He saw how filthy they were, sickly looking, and gaunt. He saw their filthy faces filled with fear and uncertainty as they took in the crowds of men.

"Let's start off with these beauties!" the man shouted over the crowd, playing with one of the girls' hair.

"My God," Rufus muttered. "They really are doing this here..."

Wyatt took a step forward. "We have to stop this."

"And how do you suggest we do that?" Flynn asked. "Take on the entire crowd of very lonely men?" He turned his gaze away from Wyatt. "Our concern right now is to find Lucy."

Men were shouting, holding money above their heads as the first two girls were being auctioned off. Wyatt scoffed, "This is crazy...those two can't be older than fourteen."

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