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I started at Riverview High School in Florida last year. Everything was fine last year; no boys to fall for, time for myself after school, friends who supported me. I never wanted the year to end. Sadly enough the year had ended and everything changed.

I lost my friends, boys started getting cutier, and no time for anything but school. Life sucks right now.

The only good thing is Daniel O'Connor. Daniel is super cute, the head football player, and isn't one of those snob type boys. He's perfect.

I gained a few new friends; Jay, Skylar, and Val. They're all really nice and we all hang out a lot. All of us like each other. That's good.

Jay plays basketball and makes me laugh. Skylar is head cheerleader, is crazy smart, understands me more then I do, and is an amazing writer. Val is a pro gamer and loves to beat people at everything. I like shopping, playing with my dog, doing art, and taking pictures. Although none of us are alike, we get along great.

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