Chapter 18

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The last time my parents did anything this nice, my grandma died. That means they want me to do something for them or they're going tell me something that could change everything. Oh God. I shouldn't worry about this. Right? God. I want to ask why they're doing this, but then I'd get upset or they might cancel the trip.

I just have to ignore it. Atleast I'll try. Thankfully, I go the rest of the day not worrying too much about it and I find an awesome hotel that we'll stay at. I fall asleep thinking about my parents.

When I wake up, I check my mail. There's an envelope from Mom and Dad. They sent it together? That can't be good. Inside there's the tickets and a note. It says, "Hope you enjoy!" Nothing about anything upsetting that's good. I text everyone the good news that we got the tickets. We decide we'll leave tomorrow. I can't wait!

I spend the rest of the day thinking about the Bahamas and packing for tomorrow. When I have to go to bed, I can barely get to sleep. All I can do is think about the trip tomorrow. I finally fall asleep after a while.

When I wake up, I run downstairs and grab a banana for breakfast. Then, I shower, do my hair, and get dressed. I am so excited for today!! Our flight is at ten, so we have two hours to get ready and to get there. I text everyone to make sure they're all up. They all instantly respond. It's good that they're all up.

We decide to meet up now. I talk Val into driving me. I grab my bags and put them into the car. We arrive after Sky. We have to wait about ten minutes for Jay. All of us walk up to get our tickets, then we sit down. After twenty minutes, they call for our flight.

On the plane, I sit next to Jay and Skylar. Val is next to Sky. We talk, listen to music, watch movies, and read the whole flight. It didn't feel like a long flight at all, but in reality, it was. When we leave the airport, we call over a Taxi that takes us to our hotel.

When I got us a place to stay, I got us a penthouse on the top floor. It has about five rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. It's wicked awesome.

As soon as everyone walks in, they looked amazed. I don't blame them. None of them have seen it yet. "What do you think?" I ask.

"It's awesome!" Skylar says.

"Amazing!" Val says.

"Wicked," Jay says.

I smile. I'm glad I'm glad they like it. We all pick rooms and now it's dinner time. We decide to go out. There's a restaurant across the street from the hotel. It was actually really good.

I'm the first to leave. I go to my room and get ready for bed. It was a really long day, so I'm really tired. I lay in bed playing around on my phone. After about twenty minutes, I get a text from Jay. It was really sweet. It said, "Hey. I've been thinking about you all the time."

I sent back a smile emoji. He's so sweet. I got another text. It said, "Have you been thinking about me?"

I send back, "I guess."

"What's wrong, Lily?"

Lily?! That girl from school, who might just be the hottest girl at school and head cheerleader!! Why would he be texting her? I have to text back, though. I don't want Jay to get suspicious. I text back, "Nothing. I'm fine."

"Okay," he texts back.

We don't text for the rest of the night. I'm so mad! I can't believe he's cheating on me! Calm down. I don't know if he is cheating on me. He might be, though. No! Stop thinking like that. I should just talk about Val and Sky about this. I fall asleep thinking about everything that happened. And crying.

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