Chapter 24

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Sean is done helping Angel. That means we've been going out a lot more. I've also been fighting myself about Jay. So far the part of me that doesn't care about Jay is winning. That makes me happy because I don't think I should have feelings for someone other then the person I'm dating.

Back to talking about hanging out with Sean more, I have a date with him later today. Sadly, today's also our last day here. I'm super glad I get to spend the last day here with Sean. I know that Angel, Val, and Skylar are hanging out. I'm not sure what Jay is doing, though.

I have at least an hour to get ready. I change from my pajamas into a light purple bikini and black flip flops. We're going surfing, but that doesn't mean I can't look good. For my hair, I leave it down, but add a hint of hair spray. I check the time. I still have about forty-five minutes until I have to leave. Perfect. That just gives me time to go and argue with myself some more. Always fun.

I sit on my bed and eventually loose track of time. By the time I check the clock, it's already well past five. It's well past the time of my date. Sean is going is going to kill me. Why did I decide to do this?! I grab my phone so fast, I almost drop it four times in the process. I check it to see if I've gotten anything from Sean. Five missed calls and fifteen texts! I guess that's what I guess when I spend over an hour and a half on a pros and cons list for Sean and Jay.

I first listen to the voicemails. "Hey Kay. It's Sean. I just wanted to call to make sure you were still coming. Um. Call me back if you have time. Bye."

"Its me, Sean again. So. I've been waiting for about ten minutes and you haven't answered your phone. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Call me back."

"It's Sean. Again. I feel like you're ignoring me. Is there something you aren't telling me?"

"It's still Sean. If you don't think this is working, just tell me. I'll completely understand. I don't understand why you're ignoring me, though."

"Sean. If you don't want to date tell me. I'm not trying to push you or anything, but I need to know. I've been trying to reach you all day, but you won't answer. I need to know what's going on. I can help you through this. You won't have to be alone. You just have to talk to me. I'll listen. You can tell me, Kay."

The thing is, you can't help me Sean. I'm the only person that should be caught in this. Not you. You doesn't deserve to be with a jerk like me. Uou can try to help me, but you won't be able to. You just can't help me.

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