Chapter 36

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Hi everyone. Just a quick author's note before you start. Towards the end of the chapter, things get a little. . . more mature. If you feel uncomfortable with it, by all means, don't read it. I don't want to be the cause of anyone feeling uncomfortable while reading this. I want to make this story get a little more mature, since I want to be seen as a more mature writer. So if you don't feel comfortable with those types of things, don't read them. I won't get mad. Believe me. I will tell you ahead of time if parts of the chapter will be more on the mature side. Sorry for the long author's note. Hope you enjoy! ;)


Two days have passed and I still have no idea what Jake was doing. Should I be worried? Or should I just trust him and not worry about. I can't help it. I have to worry. I text Jake asking him what he was doing. He responds quite fast. He says, "I'll tell you later ;)" I groan and put down my phone. Then my phone rings. It scares me so much, I almost fall out of bed. I check the name. Jake <3 I instantly answer. "Hello?" I ask, nervously.

"Hey," I hear Jake say.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much."

"Why did you call me?"

"You said you wanted me to tell you what I was doing before I came."

"And you're going to tell me?"



"I was just buying my plane ticket."

I can feel my heart almost stop. Why would he need to buy a plane ticket. He wasn't going to leave right? "Kay?" I hear Jake say, pulling me out of my trance.

"You're not going to be leaving right?" I manage to get out.

"I'm sorry," he whispers.

"Wh- what do you mean you're sorry?" Tears are now streaming down my face. How could he be leaving? He can't be. Can he?

"I- I knew I was going to do this before I knew you." I can hear him crying, too.

"So, you're really going?"

"Yes. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I say in my best way.

"No. It's not." I can hear his voice crack. Jake's crying. Over me.

"Yes," I urge on. "It is. You said it yourself. You planned this all out before you even knew I existed. You can't feel bad." My voice cracks a little, too.

"I can't help it. I mean, we just started going out, and- and. . ." Jake is now crying. Almost sobbing. "And now I have to leave." Jake manages that out in between sobs.

"It's going to be fine." I have to keep this positive. "I know this sucks, but we don't have to look at it bad."

"What do you mean?" Jake's sobs start to slow down.

"I mean it's not like we'll have to break up. We could still text, call each other, and video chat."

"I guess." Jake doesn't seem to be crying. At least, not as much. Same for me. Just a few tears are now falling. "I should go," Jake says.

"Oh. Okay." I say. Jake hangs up, then I hear the doorbell ring. Who could that be? On my way downstairs, I pass my mirror. I'm a mess. My nose and eyes are red, part of my one sleeve is soaked, my hair is all over the place. I would usually care, but I'm too upset right now. I go downstairs and open the door. It's Jake. He looks just as bad as me, if not worse. Jake doesn't have to say anything. I can see it in his eyes. I invite him in and we walk to the couch. We sit next to each other. Next thing I know, we're both crying our eyes out.

By the time we finally stop, it's around nine. "It's late," I say. "You can stay the night if you want."

"No," Jake says, wiping away some of my tears. "I don't want to intrude."

"I insist."

"Okay, then." I smile sweetly.

"Now for the big decision. My room, or the couch?"

Jake laughs a little. "Am I allowed to stay in your room?"

"I mean, you'll have to earn it."

"I guess I can come up with something." Next thing I know, I can feel Jake's soft, warm lips against mine. It felt. . . good. I had no idea Jake was such a good kisser. Then again, I never really thought about it. But God he was a great kisser. I could kiss him all day if I could, honestly. I feel Jake's hand now on my hips as if he was scared I'd want to get away or something. I'm pretty sure that means he likes it too. That's good. At least I know I'm not the only one who enjoys this. We have to separate for a few seconds to catch our breath.

*Things get a little intense here*

I feel Jake's tongue lick my lower lip. Excitedly, I grant him permission to enter my mouth. His tongue's explore the inside of my mouth. His tongue is warm against the inside of my mouth.

Jake's lips leave mine. I give him a puppy dog face, wanting more kisses. He smirks and kisses my lips again. I kiss him back passionately. In reality, I don't think me and Jake have ever been this close before. Next thing I know, I can feel his hand on my back, as if I was going to leave him. I kiss his lips with happiness reassuring him that I wasn't going anywhere for a while. Jake departs from my lips again and goes down to my neck. Once he pulls away again, he asks, "Have I proven that I can stay in your room?"

I giggle like some kind of little kid. "Of course you have," I say smiling like an idiot. He pecks my lips to say thanks. That's all I needed as a thank you. No words were necessary.

I show him up to my room. When we get in there, I grab my pajamas to go change. I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I don't look nearly as bad as I thought I did. My hair's a little messy and my lip looks a little swollen, but nothing too major. I grab my brush and start to fix my hair. After five minutes of brushing, I move onto my lips. I put some chap stick on, then a little bit of light pink lipstick. I brush my teeth after that. Next is actually changing into my pajamas.

Once I finish, I go back into my room. I laugh a little when I see Jake on the floor. He looks up at me with a confused smile and asks, "What?"

I laugh a little more, then respond, "You do realize that you don't have to sleep on the floor, right?"

Jake doesn't move a muscle. I sigh a little and say, "You can sleep with me on my bed if you want to." Once again, Jake doesn't move. I decide to give up and lay on my bed. I leave plenty of room for him. I pat on it, indicating that I want him to lay there. My bed is huge and it's a lot comfier then the floor. Jake sighs in defeat, but I could tell he was happy about getting to sleep on the bed.

Jake crawls in bed next to me. He wraps his arms around me. I smile a big smile. Then we fall asleep next to each other. It feels nice to know that he's a guy who truly loves me and a guy I truly love.

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