Chapter 32

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After atleast an hour and twenty minutes and four pages of trying to decide, I finally made my choice. It was, I have to admit, pretty hard to choose. But in the end, I did. I decided I'm going to go with Jake. My only problem is how do I tell them? And how will Jay take it? I just hope he doesn't try to get physical with Jake. I would absolutely hate it. I mean I don't hate Jay. And I certainly don't hate Jake. I choose him after all. I sit on my bed and stare at the wall. I still don't know how to tell Jay that I'm going to have to break up with him. I mean I could tell him via text, but that's going to have to be a last resort. I could tell him in person, but if he gets mad, he could take it out on me. I could just, oh, I don't know. But I do know how I'm going to tell Jake. I'm going to do it under the tree we would always meet under. Cute right? Not only that, but I'm going to make us a picnic and everything. Yes, I am aware that that is sort of a guy thing, but it's romantic and cute and the way I want to do it.

I'm going to meet with him after I tell Jay. I grab my phone and text Jake asking if he'll meet me later. Next, I text Jay. I decided I'm going to tell him while getting a coffee and Starbucks. He answers almost immediately saying he will. I put down my phone and get ready to meet him. I walk to Starbucks and don't see him. So I order my coffee and find a seat by the window.

After about five minutes, Jay walks in. He walks over by me. We don't say anything for a few seconds. It's pretty awkward. Finally Jay starts up a conversation. He says, "We haven't talked in a while."

"Yeah," I say awkwardly.

"How are you?"

"I'm pretty good. How about you?"

"I'm fine. So why did you want to meet up?"

"It's actually kind of funny," I say, laughing awkwardly. Jay just stares at me. "Anyway, I want to tell you that I'm kind of, sort of, breaking up with you."

Jay's pretty silent for a few seconds. But I'm not sure if that's good or bad. I mean he doesn't look mad or upset or anything, so I guess that's good. Right? "That's fine," Jay says with a shrug.

I almost chocked on my water. Did he seriously just say it was okay?! I went through hell the past few days. And all he has to say is that it's fine?! What a jerk.

But you know what, I honestly could care less right now. He can go be some other girl's jerk. I've got Jake and that's all that matters to me right now.

Now, I get to tell Jake the good news! I grab my phone and text him asking him to come and meet me at the park. I grab my basket for the picnic and head start for the park. I told Jake to come in a few minutes so I had enough time to sure everything was perfect.

I set up the whole picnic. Them I sit and wait. I wait for maybe twenty minutes before I start to worry. I check my phone to see if I may have missed a text or call or something Jake would have said. Nothing.

Where could he be? Is he ditching me? I feel tears start to form. I quickly wipe them away. Then I can't stop them from coming out. After all of that, and he decides to ditch me? Really?

I can't decide if I'm furious or upset! And to think, I thought he was some fantastic guy. But I guess I was wrong. I guess all guys are the same.

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