Chapter 26

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My heart skips a few beats. My pulse quickens. I feel dizzy. Like I'm about to fall backward and fall out of the tree. Why did he have to ask me that? I thought we were doing fine just being friends. I don't know what to say.

"Uh," I start. "Um. Can I think?"

"Yeah," Jay says laughing awkwardly. "Yeah, of course."

I barely hear him say to himself, "What were you thinking?" I feel really feel really guilty. "It's not you," I say. "It's just.. unexpected. I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I mean it was stupid."

"No. No it wasn't."

"Yeah it was."

"I can prove it isn't."


"I'll be your girlfriend."


Really? "Really." I smile, but in the inside, I'm panicking. It just came out. It's not that I don't want to be his girlfriend, it's just going to be weird for the first few days. I'm honestly really happy that we're now dating. "Thanks," he says.

"Anything for you," I say. Where is all of this coming from? I never thought I would say that before. I scoot a little closer to Jay and rest my head on his shoulder. He puts his arm around me. We stay like this for awhile, then we get down and go for a walk around the park.

After we walk, we go and sit on a bench. I lay on his chest. Jay puts his hand on my back. I like this. Just the two of us.

Just before it gets close to sundown, we leave. Jay walks me home. When we're at my door and whispers, "I had a great time."

"Me too," I say.

Jay leaves and I go up to my room. I flop onto my bed and replay the whole day. That was the best date ever! I can't wait to tell Sky and Val about it. I fall asleep still thinking about the day. I just can't get over it.

When I wake up, I immediately get my phone and text Sky and Val about yesterday. Sky and Val text back the same thing. But they mean completely different things. Val doesn't seem too pleased while Sky couldn't be more excited.

We continue to text. Around eleven, Jay texts me. He wants me to meet for lunch. I hurry to get ready. I get ready in just ten minutes. I leave with my phone. He wants us to meet at Aurileo's, so I didn't wear anything super fancy. I wore my jean shorts and my gray tank top with black anchors and a pink outline. I staightened my hair and wore a little bit of makeup if that counts as anything.

I walk in and see Jay sitting at a booth. He waves and I wave back. "Hey," I say as I slide next to him.

"Hey," he says smiling.

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