Chapter 38

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It's now Wednesday. And God. Can I just say that I've never hated any Wednesday more then this one? No? Oh well. It's true. Today means that I'm only going to have two more days with Jake. I groan and cover my face with my pillow. The past few days with Jake were amazing. He was treating me like some kind of princess. He showered me with kisses, dates, and gifts. One of my favorite gifts was a t-shirt that said "His". Jake has one that goes with it that says "Hers". I know. I know. It's super cliche, but hey. I still love it.

I feel like he's going to miss me more then I'm going to miss him. And that's saying a lot. Heck, I've been crying for how long now? Over what again? Jake. And the fact that he's leaving. So saying he's going to miss me more then I'm going to miss him upsets me. Why does he have to leave? Can he just stay here? With me?

I manage to pull myself out of bed and into the shower. After my shower, I grab my phone. I heard it go off once or twice while I was in the shower. I see two new messages from Jake. I almost start crying when I get his messages. He saying things like how hes's going to miss me and how he's upset about the fact that he's leaving in two days.

After I get dressed, I notice that I got another text from Jake. He wants me to come over so I can help him pack. I agree and ask for his address. He sends it to me and I start to walk towards his house.

Once I get there, I look at it in awe. It's a lot bigger then my house, and it's on the nicer side of town. In the front yard, there's a gorgeous garden and a nice porch. The outside color of the house is a nice cream color. I notice Jake in one of the big windows in the front.

I walk up to the door and knock. I hear footsteps as they get closer to the door. Seconds later, Jake opens the door and smiles. I smile back. Jake invites me in.

After a few seconds, I hear a woman yell to Jake. "Honey," the woman, who I'm assuming is Jake's mom, says. "Who is it?"

"It's just Kay," Jake says.

I'd say that thirty seconds later, the woman comes to greet me. She's a tall and thin woman. She has blonde hair, just like Jake's hair color, and hazel eyes. That gets me to wonder where Jake had gotten his blue eyes. I'll just ask some other time.

The woman smiles at me and asks Jake, "Is this the girl that you're always calling pretty, smart, and overall just completely perfect?"

I blush, but quickly realize I'm not the only one. Jake is now a light shade of pink. "Mom!" Jake says. The way he says it kind of reminds me of a little boy whining.

I laugh a little. After Jake's mom talks a little more, she leaves. I turn to Jake and ask, "You think I'm pretty, smart, and overall perfect?"

Jake looks down, embarrassed, but says, "Yes."

"Awe." I kiss him on the cheek. I then realize the reason why I'm here. "So do you want to start packing?" I ask.

Jake says yes and shows me up to his room. His room is white on three walls and a pretty blue on the fourth. On one of his white walls is a desk. On another white wall is a TV on a fairly large TV stand. In spots in the TV stand are video games, movies, and books. The third wall is just his closet. Along the blue wall is his bed. Next to his bed is a night stand. He has two windows. One is in a white wall, the other is in the blue. Jake notices me looking around his room and asks, "Do you like it?"

I nod and say, "It's a pretty amazing room."

After Jake shows me a little bit more of his room, we start to pack. By the time we finish, it's dark. "I should probably go home now," I say.

Jake shakes his head no and says, "It's too dark for you to walk home now. You should stay the night."

"Okay, but what about your mom?"

"Stay here while I go and ask her." Jake leaves the room and I obey. I sit on his bed. After a few minutes, I get bored and look at Jake's books.

Jake walks in and says, "She agrees that you should stay the night." He startles me a little bit when he says that, considering I didn't hear him come in.

"Do you have an extra room I can stay in?" I ask.

"You can stay in my room with me if you want." Jake says.


Jake ends up giving me one of his shirts and a pair of his shorts. I change into them after I brush my hair and teeth. The shorts fit fine since they have a drawstring, but the shirt is a little big. After I change, I walk back into Jake's room. He's on his bed. When he notices me, he smiles and pats the spot next to him on his bed. I walk over and crawl into bed next to him.

Jake wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. "You look really cute in my shirt," Jake whispers into my ear.

I blush a little and Jake smiles. After a few more minutes of cuddling, I fall asleep. I really enjoyed today. My favorite part by far though, was spending it with Jake. I also enjoyed the fact that neither brought up the fact that Jake was leaving soon.

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