Chapter 8

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I don't have any plans for Sunday. Most of my plans were for yesturday and today, which were the sleepover. I never have much planned for weekends. I'm not that kind of person. I just hope me and Jay can hang out. We haven't been talking much, and I don't know why. I sometimes text him, but then he has to leave.

I text Jay for a long time. I like when we text a lot. We text for nearly an hour. I've got to make lunch. After I eat, I just watch TV, until I get tired. Then I go to bed on the couch.

I wake up late, so I have to hurry to get ready for school. I have to run a little to make sure I get to class on time. Luckily, I make it on time. I walk in and sit next to Jay. He smiles at me. I smile back. "Hey," I whisper.

"Hey," he whispers back.

"How was your weekend?"

"It was okay. How was yours?"


"That's good."


We talk some more about random stuff, then the bell rings. I go to Science and see Daniel. He's not alone, though. He's with that girl he took to Prom. Why is he with her? I can't believe it. He really didn't hesitate to choose her. Wow. What a jerk. I'm going to talk to him to find out more about this girl.

"Hey," I say to Daniel.

"Hi," Daniel says back.

"So, who's this girl your with?"

"Oh. Her name is Violet. She's a newer student."

"Cool. So. I saw that you two went to Prom together."

"Yeah. Since you said no, I decided I'd rather go with someone, then go alone."

Wow. Talk about low.


"Yeah. Sorry if that sounds rude. I know how much this means to girls, so I wanted to help one girl get a great night. I really wanted to go with you, though."


"Yeah. It turns out she was actually a really nice girl. We went out a couple times, now we're boyfriend and girlfriend."


"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Not going with you."

"It wasn't your fault."

He gives me a small smile, so I smile back. I guess he's not a huge jerk. I relax a little and get through my first three classes. Now it's lunch. I sit by Jay, Skylar, and Val. I see Daniel sitting with Violet again. I won't get mad. I won't get mad. Then, I see them kiss. Get mad. Definitely get mad.

I can't get sad here. I have to get through the rest of the day, then I can get upset. Not now. Not here.

I get through the rest of the day without getting upset. Through out the day, they kiss atleast six times, make love faces, and hold hands every opportunity they get.

As soon as I get home, I break down. I sit on my bed and start bawling. I don't stop for about an hour. How could I have not seen this happening? No. Why am I so upset? I mean. I should be happy for Daniel. Right?

I hear my doorbell ring, so I have to stop crying. I finally stop crying long enough to say, "Who is it?"

I hear, "Jay."

"It's open," I say between tears.

He walks in and I tell him I'm upstairs. I try to wipe away the tears, but I must not have. "Hey," Jay says. "What's wrong?"

"Oh," I say. "Nothing."

I wipe away some more of my tears. He sits down on my bed next to me. Then, he holds me in his arms to calm me down.

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