Chapter 30

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He's flirting with me. Jake is actually flirting with me. How could I have been so stupid? Why hadn't I told him about Jay? Now he thinks I'm single and is flirting with me. I don't know what to say back so I just smile in a cute manner.

Jake doesn't think twice before smiling back. As we're walking around town, I stop and turn to him. I then ask, "Were you.. were you flirting with me?"

Almost insintly after I ask him that, I regret it. His face drains from it's color and Jake is now silent. "Um," is all Jake manages to get out. He's gained a little bit of color. But the only color is a darker pink.

"Sorry," I say quickly, "that was uncalled for-"

"No," Jake says. "Me flirting with was uncalled for. I'm sorry."

"Oh no. You're okay. I just freaked out when you did."


"Well. I liked the fact that you were flirting with me. But-"


"But I have a boyfriend." Jake's expression becomes really sad, really fast. There's also I hint of embarrassment. I feel really bad. I look down feeling guilty. Jake notices and lifts up my head by my chin. "Hey," Jake says in a soothing voice. "Hey. It's okay. I didn't know and you didn't want to hurt me." Jake gives me a small smile. I smile back.

"It's just that I feel bad," I say, still upset.

"Why?" Jake asks. I look down at my lap again. "I hurt you," I say. Jake lifts my chin up again. He gives me an understanding smile.

"Hey," Jake says. I try to look back down, but he won't let me. "It's not okay-" I say, sort of mad now. I don't know why, but now I'm mad. Not at Jake, but I'm just mad. I get mad if things don't go my way after so long. I don't know why, but I do. "I just. . . ugh!" I say.

"What?" Jake seems clueless of how big of an idiot I feel right now.

"I feel so stupid. Now you're probably going to ask why. So I'll just tell you. I liked that you flirted with me, but it's not right! I really like you, Jake, but I can't. I'm dating someone. I wish I wasn't. I wish I was with you right now. You make me happy." I say the last part quitely. I didn't realize what I was saying until it came out. I must be so red right now. Jake seems as shocked to what I said as I am.

"You what? You like me? I make you feel happy?" Jake is in between happy, shocked, and confused. So I answer to try to make him feel less confused.

"Yes. I like you. Yes. You make me happy. I want to be with you. But I feel like I can't be. I'm with someone else. I care about them. But I also care about you. I'm just confused."

"If it makes any difference, I like you too. I like you a lot. I've liked you ever since I first saw you. I don't focus on how you look. I like you because of your personality. The looks were just a bonus."

I must be blushing like crazy. That's got to be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Next thing I know we're really close. Then, we're kissing. And I really like it.

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