Chapter 9

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Jay holds me until I stop crying. Even then, he still holds me. When, I finally calm down a little, I tell him why I'm crying. He says, "Oh. Hey, it's okay."

I smile a little and I lean back into him. I don't want him to leave. I just want to stay here. We sit together for a few more minutes, in silence. I finally break the silence when I say, "If you need, you can leave."

"I can stay for a little longer," Jay says.

I'm glad he can stay. "Okay," I say. We sit together, and I must have fallen asleep. When I wake up, Jay's gone. A note is in his place.

It says,
"Dear Kay,
Sorry I'm not there when you wake up. I had to go, but I didn't want to wake you up. You just looked so peaceful. And cute. Anyway, I hope you're not mad.
Love Jay ♡"

Aww. Why would I get mad? I wouldn't get mad at him. It's cute though. He thought of me before him. Don't you agree that that's cute? I, for one, think it's adorable.

I'm still pretty sad and tired, so I fall asleep. When I wake up, I notice I smell something. Something good. I grab a rubber band and put my hair up as I walk downstairs. I notice a box that smells really good. I open it and see a full breakfast and a note. It's from Jay. The note says, "Good morning beautiful. I just got you breakfast. Hope you enjoy." He's so sweet. I eat and a throw the box away. Underneath the box, I find a white lily. He got me my favorite flower. How sweet is that?!

I wear the flower in my hair to school. Jay sees it and smiles. I smile back. I mouth the words, "Thank you." He says back, "You're welcome." We talk some more and he comes over after school. I can't believe I got such a great boyfriend, like Jay. He cares about me, puts my needs before his own, and is really awesome.

If I ever lost Jay, I'd be heartbroken. I can't believe he's so nice. Jay invites me over to his house to play basketball. I'm not awesome at basketball, but I go anyway. It's the least I could do after everything he did for me. I go over and I actually do pretty good. Jay does that cute, romantic thing where he helps me do basketball. I know how to do it, but I let him help me. I think it's cute.

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