Chapter 39

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I wake up and I don't see Jake anywhere. He's probably just downstairs. After I wake up a little more, I deice to go downstairs. As I'm walking down, the delicious smell of waffles fills my nose. How did Jake know waffles were my favorite breakfast?

Jake notices me and greets with me with his perfect smile and, "Good morning beautiful."

I smile like an idiot, then say, "Good morning handsome."

That earns a smile from Jake. He gets away from making waffles long enough to kiss me. "You still look pretty adorable in my shirt," Jake says. I blush again.

Jake laughs then goes back to making waffles. Once he's done, Jake sits next to me, and we eat. We eat in silence. It isn't an awkward silence, it's a comfortable silence. As soon as we're done, I help Jake with the dishes. "I should probably go home," I say, after we finish with the dishes.

Jake pouts and I laugh a little. "Why?" Jake complains.

"Well, my phone charger is at my house, which I need since my phone is pretty much dead I need to shower, and I need to change. Last time I checked, you wouldn't own any girl clothes."

Jake pouts once again. Then his expression goes from upset to happy. "You could use my charger. We have the same brand phone right?"

I nod. "But what about me showering and clean clothes?" I ask.

"You can just shower here."

"And the clothes?"

"I'm sure my mom wouldn't care if you borrowed something of hers."

Jake must really want me to stay with him. "Fine," I say, sighing in defeat. Jake's face lights up with happiness. I smile at him. "Show me where you're charger is," I say. "And while I'm in the shower, you can go find me something to wear. I trust that you won't pick anything I wouldn't like."

After I get my phone on the charger and I shower, I wrap my body and hair in towels. I dry off and notice the clothes Jake left for me on the bathroom counter. I unfold a gorgeous dress. I notice that it has a price tag on it. Did Jake go out and buy me this? He couldn't have gotten it that fast. I'll just have to ask him when I see him.

The dress is gorgeous. It's white with huge orange flowers on it. I stops just above my knees and is strapless. It's shocking how well it fits. I stare at myself in the mirror in awe. I kept my curly brown hair down, but did add an orange flower I had found with the dress.

I walk downstairs and see Jake facing the other way. Jake hears me walking down, so he turns towards me. Once he sees me, his smile is huge. I smile back at him and blush a little. "You look gorgeous in it," Jake says.

"Thanks," I say. "Hey. I saw a price tag still on the dress. Did you go out and buy it?"

"No. It's my mom's. She bought it, but she never wore it. She gave it to me and told me that when I meet a girl I truly love, I should give it to her. I had remembered it when you said you would have to go back to your house for clothes. I hope you don't care."

"Of course I don't. I find it kind of funny how well it fits me."

"It's kind of like Cinderella and her glass slipper. It fit her perfectly."

I smile at him. Then something hits me. "You love me?"

Jake looks down. He must not have known he said it. Then he says quietly, "Yeah."

My hearts skips a beat. He just told me he loves me. Jake just told me he loves me. Oh God.

"Is that weird?" Jake asks. "Does that make you feel uncomfortable. God! I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," I say. "It's fine. I love you, too." I say the last part kind of quiet. But Jake heard it.

His head shoots up with a huge smile on it. "Really?"

I nod my head. "Yeah."

Jake walks closer to me and kisses me. I kiss him back. "I'm glad," Jake whispers in my ear.

"I am too," I say.

I end up spending most of the day out with Jake. He took me all over town. We went to a newer book store, a diner for lunch, an ice cream parlor, and then Jake and I walked through our town's garden. I didn't even know half of these things existed.

By the time we got back to Jake's house, it was already sun down. Jake's mom must have gotten home a little while ago, because she was sitting in the kitchen drinking some coffee and reading some book. Jake's mom looks up when she hears us walk in. She smiles as soon as she sees me and the dress I'm wearing. She gives Jake a questioning look then smiles. "Did you two have a good day together?" Jake's mom asks us.

"Yeah," I say. "But I should probably be getting home before it gets to late."
Jake almost immediately offers to walk me home. I, of course, agree. I grab all of my things and put them into a bag. As we walk back to my house, we talk a little bit. Not once did we bring up or even think about Jake leaving in a matter of hours. We couldn't. Not after our amazing past few days. But once I get to my house, I ask him about it. "What time is your flight tomorrow?" I blurt out. It not only surprises Jake, but also surprises me.

"It's around 12:15 tomorrow afternoon."


When Jake and I get to my house, I tell him he should stay over the night at my house. He did let me stay at his house last night. It's the least I could do for him. Jake says that he will stay the night.

After I make up dinner, I shower again, and change into my pajamas. I lay in my bed and start to think. I should really go with Jake to the airport tomorrow. I try not to think about Jake leaving anymore. Instead, I replay the past two days in my head before I fall into a dreamless sleep with Jake laying next to me.

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