Chapter 28

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So, the worst thing possible happened. Jay asked me to hang out today... at the same time I'm supposed to hang out with Jake. Oh God. I don't know how to let down Jay, without him wanting to come over to my house. I pace my room thinking of excuses to not hang out.

After about ten minutes of thinking, I finally think of an excuse. I'll just tell him I'm going to be out all day with my Sky and Val. That should work. I just have to make sure I tell Sky and Val before I leave to hang out with Jake. I text Jay back telling him my "plans" and start to get ready.

I grab my light jean shorts and my Mickey Mouse shirt. I throw my hair up into a quick ponytail, and apply a little hair spray. As for makeup, I add a little bit of light brown eye shadow and a little lip gloss.

I started to walk out when I remembered I had to text Sky and Val. I shut the door and walked down the street. Halfway down the drive way, I texted Sky and Val. They both answered saying they'll pretend like we're hanging out if Jay asks. I was in the middle of typing "Thanks", when I ran into someone.

Just my luck. I mean I always run into people lately. I look up to lock eyes with Jay. "I thought you were with Skylar and Val," Jay said.

I started to panic. "Um," I stutter. "I am. I'm actually on my way right now."

"Do you want me to walk-"

"No!" I cut Jay off. He looks at me, startled and confused. "Are you sure?" Jay asks.

"Um," I stuttered again. "Yeah."

"Oh. Okay." I hurry away, avoiding eye contact with everyone. I finally arrive at Barnes and Noble. I walk in and go upstairs to the cafe. I order a latte and wait for Jake. Jake arrives a few minutes later. He orders a hot chocolate and we walk around. "So," I start. "Favorite genre?"

"Mystery," Jake says.

"Love stories."

"Favorite book?"

"Love & Other Theories."

"Infinity Ring." We continue with the Favorite... game. Jake and I head out for lunch after a while of looking around at Barnes and Noble. This is turning into a lot of fun. But most of the time, I could only think about Jay.

I feel really bad about blowing Jay off for Jake. Jay would hate me if he knew I said no to hang out with someone else. I'll just hang out with him later. Yeah. Later.

I tell Jake I have to leave now, then leave. On my way home, I text Jay. I tell him I can hang out now. He waits a few minutes then texts back. He doesn't feel like hanging out today. Great.

I walk home by myself. I guess I should get my stuff ready for school, since it starts next Monday.

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