Chapter 40

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Just a quick author's note before you read this chapter. This is the last chapter of Hard Love. I will probably do a author's note after this to try to answer some of the questions you have, to explain anything I need to, and say a few things. But I'm going to stop this author's note before it gets too long. I really hope you enjoy the last chapter of Hard Love. :)


I wake up and my thoughts come rushing in. After a few more seconds, I burst into tears. Jake is leaving. I feel Jake's hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him. I'm pulled into his chest. I hear Jake quietly say, "It's going to be fine." He must have noticed that I was crying.

I slowly shake my head. It's not going to be fine. This won't be fine. I won't be fine. More thoughts flood into my head.

I can't loose him.

I sit up, and try to stop crying. After a few seconds, it works. I finally stop crying and I look at Jake. Jake is now sitting up next to me, his hand still around my waist holding me close to him. I look at Jake and notice that he was crying. I wipe away one of his stray tears then kiss his cheek.

Jake is leaving. I can't loose him.

I try to push the thought out, but it keeps coming back. I get off my bed and walk into the bathroom. I take one look in the mirror and I can already see that I look like a mess. I get into the shower and try to fix myself up. I end up successful.I decide to wear my shirt with Mickey and Minnie Mouse holding hands. It was my second favorite shirt from Jake.

I walk downstairs and I see Jake sitting on the couch. Jake looks up and notices me. He smiles and pats the spot next to him, indicating that he wants me to sit next to him. I walk over and sit next to him.

Jake wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I feel him come closer to me to tell me something. "Promise me something," Jake says sternly. I nod and look down a little.

"Look me in the eyes first," I hear Jake say. I obey. I look into his eyes which now look glassy.

Jake takes a deep breath then says, "Promise me that while I'm gone, you'll wait for me, no matter how long I'm gone or how far away I am. Promise me that you won't let go."

Jake lets out a little sigh of relief then kisses my forehead. He pulls away for a second to pull out a small blue velvet box. Jake then hands me the box. I open it. Inside is a necklace. It's a golden heart locket. Inside of it were two pictures; one of me on Jake's back and the other one of Jake and I kissing. On the front of it the words "Forever Yours" were engraved. I felt tears forming in my eyes. Jake asks, "Do you like it?"

With one of my hands covering my mouth, I nod, not wanting to say anything incase my voice broke. Jake takes the necklace and puts it around my neck. I hold my hair to one side to make it easier for him.

Just before Jake pulls away, he whispers in my ear, "I love you."

I feel one single tear fall before I say, "I love you, too."

Jake kisses me on the lips this time and I kiss back. I don't want this moment to ever end. I don't want him to pull away. I don't want him to leave me.

But, of course, he has to and I have to except that. It's just so hard.

Jake pulls me out of my thoughts when he says, "I should probably go home and make sure everything is packed up."

"Yeah," I say, surprising myself that I don't end up sobbing.

Jake slowly gets up and walks toward the door. Right before he leaves, he says, "I'll pick you up to come with me to the airport at 11:45."


And with that, Jake walks out the door and heads for his house. I watch him walk out of my eye sight. I let out a loud sigh and let myself cry for a little while.

Around eleven, I go to the bathroom to fix myself. I make myself look fine after fifteen minutes. I then go downstairs, to make myself something to eat. After I finish eating, it's 11:40. Until Jake gets here, I sit on the couch and read one of my books.

I hear the door bell ring, so I get up, grab my coat, and walk upstairs. I open the door to see Jake. He gives me a sad smile which I then return. We walk to his car and get in.

Jake and I talk almost the whole ride. We actually laugh a couple of times. It feels good to laugh with him. Half way to the airport, I can't help but ask, "Where are you going? You never told me, so I got curious."

"I never told you?"

I shake my head no. Jake then starts telling me about his trip, "I'm going to England. And before you ask, it's not just because I absolutely love Britain. I'm going because that's where my dad lives. Him and my mom got divorced when I was about six. At the time, I just thought they were having a break. But the older I got, the more I understood. My mom decided that I would live and grow up with her. My dad just recently told me that I could go and see him. I was more then happy to hear that I could go to see him. My mom had said that I could go. So, I planned it all out, but didn't buy the ticket until a little while ago. I feel really bad that I have to leave, but this means so much to me."

"Don't feel bad," I say. "Believe me. I get it. If I had the chance to go and see my parents, there would be no doubt in my mind about going. So, please go and have a lot of fun. And when you get back, you can tell me all about it."

"Why don't you go see your parents?"

"They don't enjoy seeing me. They once told me that I was a mistake, but they didn't feel like paying for me to go anywhere else."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

Jake now looks upset. I just shrug and say, "I mean, it's better for all of us. All they care about is there money and only call me when they need something. If they raised me, instead of me raising myself, I wouldn't be the person I am today. But I was lucky enough to get them to at least buy me a house."

"You're really tough. I love that.

I smile. "One more thing," I say.

"Yeah?" Jake asks.

"How long are you going to be gone?"

"I'd say about four months."

Jake and I walk so more until we arrive. We walk up so Jake can get his ticket. After a few more things Jake had to do, we go and sit down.

I sit next to Jake as we wait for his flight to be called. It's around twelve now and his flight isn't until 12:15. I feel Jake put his arm around my shoulder. He pulls me closer to him. I'm going to miss him so much!

I hear his flight be called. We both stand up. Jake pulls me into a warm, comforting hug. I cry a little into his chest. We pull apart. I then stand there, with the warm tears running down my face. He was leaving. He was actually leaving. And I, Kay Oliver, was not ready for this. I couldn't do anything, but stand there. I couldn't find myself saying, or doing anything. I was too upset. I managed to hold the necklace he had just given me. Jake gave me a hug. He was warm and comforting. Then, Jake kissed my forehead. This was going to be my last kiss from him for a while, if I'll ever get one again. And with that, he grabbed his bag and left.

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