Chapter 1

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 I'm going to meet up with Skylar and Val to go watch Daniel's game. Jay didn't come. I don't know why, though. He usually loves watching football. Whenever it comes to school games, he bails. Me, Skylar, and Val go anyway. We all enjoy watching the games. We all sit towards the top of the bleachers. It has a better view than the very top or bottom. I need a good view to see Daniel. Oh Daniel.

We won the game and the crowd goes crazy. I yell, "Great job Lions!" Daniel turns and smiles at me. He actually smiled at me! Yes! He noticed me!!! I can't believe it!

"Come on guys," Val says. "Let's go get some pizza to celebrate."

"Let's go," Skylar says.

"I just have to text Jay," I say.

I text Jay to meet us there. He shows up, which is good. We tell him about the game and he seems happy that we won. After we finish our pizza, I head to the mall with Skylar. Jay wanted to practice his basketball and Val had to go home.

On the way, Skylar smiles at me with her mysterious grin. She must know something. "I saw the way he smiled at you," she said.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"It's was the 'hey cutie' smile!"




"I know! That's awesome!"

"You really think that was the way he smiled?"


"Let's not focus on Daniel's amazing smile. Let's focus on shopping!"


We shop for about an hour and a half. It was amazing. It's late now and I have to go home. "Can you drop me off at my house?" I ask.

"Sure," Skylar says.



Skylar drives me home. The first thing I do is sit on my bed thinking about Daniel. Gorgeous, gorgeous Daniel. Then, I text Jay. We text for a little while and then he has to leave, as usual.

I text Val next. We text for an hour and a half. I have to go to bed now. I've got school, Jay's basketball game, and Daniel. Got to look pretty for Daniel.

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