Chapter 22

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I haven't told anyone about last night. There's two reasons. One, they would not stop talking about it. Two, I feel like it's one of those moments where you remember it forever and you want to keep it to myself. Hopefully no one noticed that I left last night.

When I get to the room door, I slowly open it and it doesn't make a sound. Thank God. When I shut the door, it on makes a little, short, quiet squeak. It definitely wasn't loud enough for anyone to notice.

I walk up to my room and fall asleep in an instant. When I wake up, I notice I'm the last one up. I look at the clock and it's nine. That's the latest I've slept in a while. I walk downstairs and go into the kitchen. "Hey," I say to Val, who's having a donut while reading.

"Hey," Val says, looking up from her book. "Did you go out last night?"

I feel a little netbous, but don't show it. "No," I say. "Why?"

"I thought I heard someone leave," Val says. "Guess I was hust hearing things."

Val goes back to her book and I feel guilty. I just lied to Sean face. "I know you did," Val says, smiling, but still not looking up.

"How?" I ask. As soon I say it, I regret it.

"Saw you leave. I heard the door and freaked out. I walked and went to my window to see if it was someone leaving. Then I saw you."

I feel like an idiot, but Val seems satisfied. "Fine," I say. "You caught me."

"Spill," Val says.

"I just went for a walk."

"At four in morning?"

"I wanted it to be... quiet?"

"Tell me the truth."

"Fine. I went to the park to cry. Then I bumped into Sean."

"That Sean is trouble."

"You sound like Jay."

We both laugh and Jay walks in. We stop dead. "What?" Jay asks.

"Nothing," I say.

Val walks out. I try to walk out, but Jay stops me when he says, "What were you guys laughing at?"

"Nothing," I lie.

"I heard you laughing. Tell me. I won't get mad."

"You. We were laughing about you."


"You always seem jealous when I'm with Sean and we find it funny."

"I don't get jealous."

"Yes you do."

"I try to protect you from him."


"I do."

"Why? Because you're jealous. It's fine with me. Just tell me."

"I don't get jealous! I try to protect you! He's a bad guy. He's a jerk."

"And how would you know? What? Are you some kind of 'Sean expert'?!"


"Exactly! You can't tell me who I can and can not be with!"

I storm out before Jay can say anything else. I can not believe him! Trying to protect me. Sure. I run up to my room, put on some clothes, do my hair, and brush my teeth. After that, I storm out of the room and run to the park. I sit on the bench and think about what just happened. Then, I burst into tears. He just will not admit he's jealous.

I feel someone come up to comfort me. My guess is Jay, but it's Sky and Val. What are they doing here? They help calm me down. I pretend it helps by stopping the tears and stop crying. But inside, I'm depressed, crying, in pain inside. I know I shouldn't be, but I am. I'm just upset about life right now. With Jay refusing to tell me the truth, Sean making me care when I shouldn't, how I don't know why

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