Chapter 7

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I can't believe I got a boyfriend yesterday. I hope it won't change anything between me and Jay. We have such a good friendship, I'd hate to have it wrecked because of us dating.

I'm glad it's the weekend. No school and no drama. At least not a lot of drama. This weekend, I'm going to have a sleepover with Skylar. I can't wait! Before we have our sleepover, we're going to go to the movies with Val. We don't know what we're going to see yet, but we'll figure it out. After the movie, we go get lunch at our favorite place, "Inside Out Burger." We've been going there for ever!!!!!! We eat and Val leaves. Skylar and I walk to my house. My house is towards the center of town, which is near all of the good places, so I can walk almost everywhere. It's awesome.

Skylar and I arrive at my house in about ten minutes. Skylar had brought her stuff over earlier, so we wouldn't have to worry about it now. "So what do you want to do?" Skylar asked.

It's always weird the first few minutes of the sleepover. I know that from my previous sleepovers. "We can go up to my room," I suggested. If I know anything else, it's that I always have my friends go up to my room first. I may be the only one, but that's just how I do things at my sleepover.


I take Skylar upstairs to my room. I've redone my room since the last time she's been here. Skylar just stands there, staring at all of my new stuff. "My mom sent me most of this stuff from Hawaii, and my dad sent some of it from Paris," I explain.

"Wow," Skylar says, still staring.

"Do you want to see my new closet?"


I open my closet door and reveal my new walk-in closet. Skylar runs in and admirs all of my new stuff. "You haven't seen where you're going to stay whenever you're over!" I say.

She just turns around and gives me a big smile. "I'm going to get a specail room for when I stay over?" Skylar says excitedly.


"Let me see!"

I bring her to the room next to mine. It's a big light blue room with a walk-in closet, a comfy bed, and a huge bookshelf with all of her favorite series. She walks in and runs around to look at everything. When she's done looking at everything, she gives me a hug. "Thank you!" Skylar says.

"Don't thank me," I start. "Thank the people my parents sent. They felt bad that I had to live here alone, so they added a couple extra rooms for when I have people over."

"Your parents rock!"

"I know."

After we finish talking about the house, we start the actual sleepover. We decide to watch Divergent. That's one of our favorite movies. When we finish all of the movies and the pizza we ordered, we get ready for bed. Neither of us are tired, so we decide to stay up a little longer and watch TV. We pass out on the couches at one in the morning. That's how you know you've had a good sleepover, you fall asleep late and where you didn't expect to. That's my opinion of a successful sleepover.

We wake up around 9 and Skylar stays until 3. When she leaves, I fall back asleep. I love sleepovers like that! I just wish you didn't feel so tired right after. 

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