Chapter 25

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This is going to sound mean, but I'm kind of happy I'm leaving. I get to leave Sean and his drama. He broke up with me yesterday because I was thinking instead of hanging out with him. What a jerk.

On the plane, I notice Jay keeps looking at me. I don't look up enough so he can see me, but I'm looking at him enough to tell he's staring at me. After he looks at me a few more times, I decide to look up. He notices and I smile. He smiles back. "You two are weird," Val says.

"I think they're cute," Sky says. Me and Jay just laugh. I go back to reading and Jay continues to glance at me. I can feel myself blush whenever he glances. I can't help it.

After a while, I fall asleep. When I wake up, we're about to land. Everyone else is asleep until after we land, but I have to wake up Val. We get off the plane and head back towards the airport. When we get into the airport, we grab our suitcases and leave. We all pile into a taxi and head home.

By the time we get home, it's only around five. That gives us plenty of time to unpack. I get dropped off about a block from my house. When I get home, I take all my suitcases, drop them on the family room floor, and fall onto the couch. This is going to take forever.

I get to work after ten minutes and finish in an hour and a half. That's actually way sooner then I thought.

I don't feel like doing anything else today, so I just go upstairs. When I get upstairs, I plop on my bed and stare at the ceiling. How could I have fallen for such a jerk? I'm honestly glad Sean and I broke up. I fall asleep thinking about how big of a jerk Sean is.

When I wake up, I grab my phone to check what time it is. It's five. I groan and fall back onto my pillows. Why am I up so early? Oh well. I'll get up anyway. I throw on my Mickey Mouse tank top and my short light jean shorts. I go downstairs and fall onto the couch and turn on the TV.

Around eight, I get a text from Jay. He wants to hang out at the park. Wonder what that's about. I grab my brown leather purse, phone, and sunglasses. I also throw on my silver flip flops.

On my way, I grab a breakfast sandwich from McDonald's. Don't judge. I skipped breakfast.

When I get to the park, I see Jay in a tree. "Hello up there," I say loudly. He laughs and I do too. "Hello down there," Jay yells back.

I continue to laugh. "What's up?"


Jay smiles and I laugh again. "Seriously. Why do you want me here?"

"Well, I want to tell you something."


"I can't tell you until you come up here. Next to me."

I shake my head and laugh quitely. I climb up and sit next to him. "Now will you tell me what you want to tell me?" I ask.

"I guess."

I shake my head slightly. "I wanted to ask you something," Jay says.


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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